Jk: Say yes again

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You and Jungkook became friends after being introduced by your older brother Hoseok. Surprisingly to this point. The boys knew his little crush on you. Hoseok wasn't that surprised either. Because he knew you liked him the same way he liked you.

The boys would taunt and tease you two when you came by to watch them practice or give them food. Leaving you both with blushing faces and quietness taking over the both of you.

Even yoongi for the first time, pointed out that it was cute. When Valentine's Day came abroad. You went out to buy each of the boys a gift. With of course each a rose and box chocolates. Some of them preferred vanilla. So you got both flavors for each members just in case you were wrong.

You had worn a white knee length dress with printed roses, and your hair was up in a ponytail with a red bow. Including you wore low high heel straps. It was slightly cold so you had brought a jacket with you in case it got more chilly.

From the looks of it, you were right to bring one. When you arrived at the Entertainment with two full huge bags. Fans greeted you, since you were a solo artist beginning to rise from the bottom into the average. Fans had given you gifts which your manager had grabbed in thanking them for the support.

When you entered the building you headed towards the boys practice room. Knocking, you were welcomed by a tall boy with a bunny smile.

"Y/N....you look..nice??" He said surprised. "Do i look bad?" You laughed. His cheeks heated up as to yours did too.

"Y/N ah!! You look so pretty! What'd you bring today?" Jimin had yelled out for you from wrestling Tae.

"I brought gifts for all of you! You work so hard, it's the least i can do to show my support and love!" You said as you placed it on the floor and bent down sitting on my knees to dig in and pass the gifts around.

"Oh wait! We also brought gifts for everyone too!" Namjoon had spoke as he passed everyone their gifts to give.

As you watched everyone open their gifts, the only one left in my hand was Jungkooks.

You had gotten up and walked up to him, tapping his shoulder. He turned around surprised as he also held a small red box wrapped neatly with a gold bow.

You blushed slightly looking down. "T-this one's for y-you jungkook..." you smiled lightly and tucked your hair behind your ear.

"Thank you, this ones for you." He handed his. The two of you switched gifts. You touched his hand as you felt him flinch slightly. It was soft, cold in fact. You had wish to warm them up.

"Everyone's opening their gifts. I guess were the only ones who haven't." Jungkook trailed as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Want to open them together?" You asked him looking up. "Sure." He laughed with a smile that made you blush.

You first opened the card he wrote for you, as he also did you.

"Dear Y/N,
The boys always taunted me about liking you. I've always denied it. Because i was afraid that you wouldn't accept me for who i am. You're so gorgeous and every time you walk into a place, no matter where you are. People, even i, get captivated by your smiles and laughs. You're so innocent it makes me want to protect you from this cruel world. I came to notice i have developed these romantic compassionate feelings for you. Ones i cant control when you come in my sight, or the aura i smell of of you everything you walk pass me. When i was 15, still new to everything. I didn't know anyone or anything around Seoul. You helped me grow and be more confident. I never got the chance to thank you properly, so thank you for being here for me. Even until now. When i asked you, to be there for me when needed. You said yes. When i asked you to promise me to never leave me or the boys. You said yes. When i asked you to forgive me at the times i was at my worst and i took it out on you, you said yes, that you would always forgive me.

I just need you to say yes one more time, open the box. ❤️

                     - Jeon Jungkook

You didn't even notice but tears had already brimmed your eyes. You gave him a quick glance. The letter you wrote to him was a love letter as well and you had told him you had feelings for him.

Jungkook smiled at you with such a happy face.

"Open it." He said sweetly. I opened the small box as it revealed a ring with a few set of diamonds and your birthstone. You picked it up carefully. Inside of the ring, was carved,

"Will you marry me?"

"SAY YES!" The boys yelled. I smiled with a choked up laugh as Jungkook reached up to wipe my tears away with his thumb. He pulled closer, i can tell he was embarrassed but he wanted this.

"So what is it?" He asked.

"Yes!" You said as you hugged him tightly. His arms embraced you tightly as he almost picked you up off of your feet. "I love you Y/N." He said. Your heart clenched at the words you longed to hear from him.

"I love you too Jungkook."

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