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Add me XD I finally got back into it

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Add me XD I finally got back into it

Also I hope you and Logan are doing well it's been a bit and even though I called this Fire Embl-

Wait 'scuse me


It's probably just going to end up being a Journal and that's fine because then I have better contact with Jazz and she knows what's happening with me uwu. Also








Sorry I'll stop XD my uncle (or moms brother) is visiting today. If you don't know him well- last time he visited (which was a long time ago cus it was that bad) he usually asked for money a lot which he typically spent on cigarettes, in the past both my moms parents had died when she was 16 and it devastated her and for the most part in the will her dad had a few guns and left almost if them to my uncle and only two to my mom and with her mom it was basically the same but vice versa and with rings (my mom got most of the jewelry and my uncle got a few) of course there was some other stuff but this is just what I know anyway my uncle pawned all the guns and guess what he bought-
It's was a really bad habit of his and not only that but last he stayed he came without giving us much notice brought his cat which I was allergic to and we told him not to bring LEFT THE CAR IN A CAGE ON THE SIDE OF THE FREAKIN HOUSE WITH FOOD AND WATER LIKE THE CAR WOULD BE PERFECTLY FINE IN SUCH A SMALL CAGE that way he didn't have to worry about me being allergic and then one day while he was staying we left to see someone I forget who it was too long back but when we come back suddenly he's installed a satellite dish on the roof without even asking my dad's permission just so he can get shows for his little girl who wasn't even old enough to speak let alone process what was going on on the tv but he got away with that for the most part my dad kinda yelled at him for it (and the cat obviously) but he pretty much got away with it. And that's not even everything, in the middle of the night at like 3 am my dad woke up hearing footsteps down the stairs and the front door open and he went to see what was going on and he's literally 'using the bathroom' on the front lawn like it's perfectly fine (and I'll also mention not only was there a bathroom just a bit further from the front door but there was a bathroom upstairs that nobody was in literally like 5 feet from the door to the guest room. He was kicked out after that and we haven't seen him since. Anyway he came back his daughter is now 7 (so I haven't seen him in about 6 years) he is a lot better though. He's not smoking nearly as much and when he does he's outside (oh i also forgot to mention I had asthma when I was younger and he smoked more which definitely didn't help), he hasn't said anything rude and left more warning (it still wasn't a lot but it was much better then 'Hey I'm gonna come visit tomorrow' basically), and also (Ik it may not seem like much but to me it's a lot) he has an old car he might give me that I'm really excited for. It's a Subaru Outback and according to him only has a bit of rust on it but really who cares it's a first car otherwise I'll have to learn to drive stick (which is kinda good since I don't know too much about driving as of now so learning stick and be beneficial) and he said if we come down to New York we can pick it up from him so he seems a lot cooler. He leaves tomorrow but I thought it would be could to have this so everyone knows.

1.Fire Emblem
2. Hi Jazz I want to be able to talk more so here :0 and
3. Probably gonna be a journal
That sums all this up XD

The end?

Or the beginning?

End of the beginning?

You guys don't have to keep scrolling-


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