Hogwarts Express

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Macy and Meg walked excitedly forward at King's Cross station. "Do you know where Platform 9 3/4 is?", Meg asked. Macy shrugged. Up ahead they saw a family of red-heads with similar carts to their's. The girls rushed up to them. "Hello," Macy said to the mother,"Do you know how to get on Platform 9 3/4?" She turned around ,"Oh! Fellow witches! I'm Mrs. Weasley, and this is Fred..." she said.

"I'm George!" Fred- or George interrupted. Mrs Weasley frowned,"Well that's George, and that's Fred, Ron, and Ginny." She pointed to each one in turn.

"Is this your first year?" Mrs. Weasley asked. The two girls nodded. "It's Ronny's first year as well." she said. Ron , a tall freckley boy, blushed and smiled. Just then, a skinny black-headed boy with glasses rushed up to them. "I'm Harry. Would any of you happen to know how to get to Platform 9 3/4?" Mrs. Weasley smiled,"Of course! These girls wanted to know the same." Meg blushed and whispered, "He's kinda cute," to Macy. Macy replied, "I like Ron," Meg and Macy giggled to themselves while Mrs. Weasley told them how to get on the platform. Meg stroked her pretty light gray Siberian eagle owl through the bars of its cage. "Best to do it in a run if your nervous," Mrs. Weasley finished. Macy went first, slowly jogging to the wall and disappearing. Meg jogged in the same fashion as Macy and feeling a slight chill, she was through!

"This is huge!" Macy said, pointing to the train. "Woah, it is," Meg murmured, awe-struck. Fred and George helped them get their luggage into a compartment after arguing with their mother. "They're ladies! First year ladies!" Mrs. Weasley scolded.

"But mom!"

"Now!" Mrs. Weasley practically shouted, attracting a few glances from passerby. The twins grunted and walked over to Macy and Meg , grabbing their luggage and storing it in their compartment. "I'd like to keep my cat please.", Macy smiled. Fred handed Macy her black cat back. Meg and Macy stumbled onto the train, being squished by all the people. Ron and Harry came after them.

Ron stopped and went into an empty compartment, and Harry followed him. Macy stopped. " You want to ask if we can sit with them?" she asked Meg. Meg shrugged. The girls turned around and walked to the compartment, bumping into a few people along the way. Macy opened the door to the compartment. " May we sit with you?" she asked the boys eagerly. Ron widened his eyes, blushed, and nodded. Harry just smiled and bobbed his head.

Great! Two new friends, and they hadn't even made it to Hogwarts yet!

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