Jealous Hermione?

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Macy PoV

I woke before Meg did. I got up out of my scarlet bed and walked up to her, shaking her shoulder. She got up glancing at the third bed which happened to have Hermione curled up in it. "Oh crap no. Not her." I murmured, and Meg nodded at me. Meg slowly got up out of bed and got her robes on just as Hermione was waking up. "Ugh! Why didn't you two get me up? I'll be late for breakfast!" She said, flustered. She is such a pain, I thought. "Well, we figured if you got as much beauty rest as needed, you wouldn't be so ill-minded toward us," Meg replied, smiling innocently as she walked out the door with me.

"Guess what I figured out?" I whispered to her. "What?" She asked, confused. "Might wanna sit down for this," I told her, sitting and stroking the carpeting on the stairs as she sat down, clueless. "Slide, please," I murmured to stairs. The red-velvet stairs immediately turned into a slide leading to the common room. "Woah, how'd you learn how to do that?" Meg asked me as we walked through the large doors of the Great Hall. "Well, you know how when a boy tries to go up the stairs, it turns into a slide?" I asked through a mouthful of French toast. "Mhm?" She replied through a mouthful of bacon-biscuit. "Well," I paused, swallowing, "I figured if you ask, you receive!" I finished joyfully as they passed out our schedules. "Ugh," I said to myself, "double Potions with Snape. Let's swap and see if we have the same classes," Meg handed me hers and took mine. "We have all the same except...... Charms. They say Flitwick is the best, next to McGonagall."

"Yeah, I hear she's very strict," I replied. I glanced over to the teacher' table and saw Snape giving Harry the death-glare. "See him?" I poked Meg in the shoulder. "Ow, what?" Meg cried. "See Snape over there? Givin' Harry the death-glare," I whispered. Meg rolled her eyes," He's probably just thinking of something." Meg retorted. I shrugged and kept staring at him to see if his eyes would move. Quick as blink, his eyes bore into mine. I blushed quickly turned my head to see Ron stuffing his face with pancakes and sausage.


The day went by smoothly. Charms was fine even without Meg. DATDA was awesome. Transfiguration was the best. Meg and I walked to Potions together feeling a little nervous. We stepped inside and took our seats next to eachother. We took out our quills and books and laid them on our desks. "Ok class. Today we'll be making a very simple concoction. Open your books to page 3 and begin." Snape said, lugging over to his desk. I opened the book and shoved it towards Meg. " Ok, we'll need to boil water, nettles, horned slugs, and willow leaves."

We started over to the ingredients cabinet, and so were Hermione and Ron. Walking side by side. As partners. I furrowed my brow and blushed. Snape stood up," Oh yes, I forgot to mention, whoever finishes correctly first gets 50 points for his or her house." I smiled. Meg and I grabbed the ingredients very quickly and power-walked back to our desk. Meg put the cauldron on the boiler and I added some water. We added the nettles, slugs, and willow leaves slowly, one at a time, just like the book said. Soon, we were finished. Meg raised her hand and Snape came over. He checked our potion and said," 50 points to Gryfinndor." I smiled from ear to ear.

The slug Hermione was holding exploded in her hand from the anger and jealously surging through her. She squealed and grimaced as the guts got in her bushy hair. I smiled and stuck my tongue out at her and Ron laughed.


Sorry for such a long chapter. Thanks for waiting!

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