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The two of us sit around a table silently in a cafe. I don't know what to say, neither did Min Hee, the two of us not knowing what to do. The man from last night wants to meet me. I'm curious to find out who he is, but at the same time frightened, so I decided to ask Min Hee to come along with me to meet him.

I look out the cafe window to see the sunlight shining through and the people outside walking calmly. We wait patiently for him to come. It feels nice to be here, with the fresh aroma of coffee and muffins drifting through the air, as well as people chattering softly within the cafe.

The door opens and the man steps inside looking around the cafe, trying to spot us. I wave my hand at him, ushering him to come. He walks over and looks at me. I tell him to take a seat, so he does.

Min Hee glances at me awkwardly as she says, "Please excuse me, I have to use the restroom."

I watch her stand up and walk over to the restroom.

The man suddenly says, "Hey, Hana, what happened?"

I have absolutely no idea who he is so I just say hesitantly, "I... I lost my memory from a car accident. I'm really sorry, but I don't... remember you."

He looks at me in shock and his face drops.

After a while, he says softly, "It's not your fault, you never wanted this to happen."

"Well, we could always start over, like we just met."

"Alright..." He breathes in. "I'm Jeon Jungkook, I'm a year older than you and I was born here. Neither your mum or your friend, Min Hee know about me, because well..."

He breathes in again and looks directly into my eyes, "You're my love interest... we used to date secretly. We met here, at this very cafe. You were in a rush to get to school, so you accidentally spilt coffee all over my shirt."

He chuckles, "That time was precious. It felt nice to see such a beautiful girl on such a lovely morning."

I'm shocked by this and blush all over.

I don't dare to look into his eyes as I say to him, "I... well, I... I think we should stay as friends right now. I mean I just met you, well... not exactly... "

He looks very understanding as he says, "Sure, of course. If I were you I wouldn't want to rush things. It must be very hard and overwhelming for you to lose your memory and me just popping up last night."

"Well, yeah, it kind of is." I reply.

Just at this moment, Min Hee comes back and sits down and it's awkward with her presence again, so we keep quiet.

"Hi, should we introduce each other," she says to Jungkook with a kind smile.

Jungkook glances at me, then turns to Min Hee to say, "We used to be... friends."

"Oh ok, so how come Hana never mentioned you to me?"

I stutter as Min Hee asks this. I don't know what to say, so I just wait for Jungkook to answer her question.

"That would be personal," Jungkook responds.

"Personal? Is something going on between you two? Hana, come on tell me, I'm your best friend! I have to know!"

"I know, it's just... it's complicated" I answer.

Min Hee rolls her eyes, feeling annoyed, "Well, if the both of you won't tell me what's going on, I'll have to find out myself!"

I stand up and exclaim, "What do you want me to say or do? I just lost my memory, I don't remember anything about my past! Do you think I want this to happen?! Come on, Min Hee, please..."

A New Beginning | Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now