I Play for Another Team

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Zayn’s sleeves were rolled to his elbows. He wore a pair of safety glasses as he focused on a new device he was creating. He placed his finger lightly against it as he pulled on a couple of wires. He made it looks so easy.

“Niall, pass me the sharp thing….”

How helpful. The whole table was covered with different instruments which were all sharp. I sighed pick up the one closest to me. Liam instantly pulled it out of my hand and replaced it was another one.



I mouthed a thank you to Liam whose eyes were plastered on Zayn’s hands. His hands held so much power, the power to create machines because of his intelligence and skill.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I left the enclosed room quickly, hoping no one noticed. I stood in the white hall way and leaned against a plant.

Harry: do you kno where the money is?????

I bit inside my cheek and hastily replied.

Niall: noo..i didn’t get the chance

I got a reply instantly.

Harry: hurry..we have no time to waste

I grunted and stared at my phone.

“Girlfriend?” Louis approached me with his hands tugging on his suspenders. I shook my head and smiled.

“I actually play for another team.”

His blue eyes practically bulged out from his head.

I swear I heard him mutter, “Zayn will surely like you.”


I waited on the pavement for a taxi. I rubbed my arms, begging for warmth. I bit my nail a bit wondering where the hell the taxis were. It was late…according to my watch. I needed to get back to my apartment and talk to Harry. I began pacing until a black car almost squashed me. I stumbled and fell on the street.

“Oh shoot!”

I heard a car door slam and footsteps approaching me. Zayn stood over me, worry in his eyes. Have I ever mentioned what an amazing jawline he has?

“I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

I nodded and sat down silently. I looked up at Zayn for a while. He was dressed casually in dark washed jeans and a purple tee shirt. Obviously still designer clothing. He sat next to me and watched me as if he was waiting for a response. His finger lightly touched my cheek causing my breath to get caught in my throat. My hands began shaking a bit. He noticed and held them. I love the feeling of his hands. Just his hands made me feel safe. I could hear his Maserati purring in the back. I felt guilt. This is the guy I want to steal money from. The guy who’s keeping me warm and safe. I stood up quickly, surprising him. I began walking away until I felt his hand touch my shoulder.

“Come on…I’ll carry you home.”

Next thing I knew, I was in the front seat of his black car. The seats were made of red leather. I sat back, trying to avoid eye contact with Zayn. I felt embarrassed. I began counting the buildings we passed to my home until I realized he went on a different street.


“I need a drink.”

Hi everyone! Thanks so much for reading...keep on going! and please share this story if you like it xD =) - Leah <3

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