New Guy, Zayn?

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We sat in the VIP section of a club. I felt uncomfortable. Every person we passed gave Zayn a thumbs-up or they will say, “New guy Zayn?” or “He’s cute,” or “You look cute together.” He ignored them and gulped down some drinks. I was astonished. I never saw a weak side of Zayn for the few days I have been working for him.

“You want anything to drink?” he asked looking up from his drink.


He laughed at me. “You’re an Irish man and you said ‘no’ to a drink? How queer.”

I sighed and felt his car keys in my hands. He was in no state to drive.

“Lou told me you’re gay. Is it true?”

I ignored him and pretended not to hear him. Zayn looked messed up. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of this crowd of people. He began laughing. His laugh was rich and rang through my ears even among the loud music.

We made it out of the club in one piece. Next thing to do is figure out how to drive his car.


“Niall...” Harry was cut short when he saw Zayn behind me.

“What is he doing here?”

“Just open the door Haz.”

He opened it and allowed us to pass.

“Hello…it’s nice to meet you. Your hair has such a nice volume, like in physics.” Zayn muttered to Harry. Harry smiled a bit and helped me carry him into my bedroom on my bed to rest. I closed the door behind me quietly and got prepared for the questions Harry had for me.

“What’s going on? Why is he here?”

“He was going to drop me home…then he stopped to get a couple of drinks…and got drunk.”

Harry stayed quiet for a while and ran his hand through his hair. He leaned his long frame against my kitchen counter.

“Does he have his wallet?”

“Can we not-“

“This is the only opportunity we have…c’mon.”

Zayn did not deserve this. I tried to convince Harry to do it another time but he refused. He went alone to retrieve Zayn’s wallet.

“Ok…please tell me who on this planet walks around with all this money,” Harry muttered while searching through Zayn’s wallet. His eyes soon showed some sort of cheekiness.

“Well then…” he whispered, pulling out a condom, “someone is prepared.”

For some reason I felt the blood go to my cheeks. Harry knew about my ...erm...sexual orientation and thank God he does not judge me.

“Harry, just hurry!” I shout-whispered.

He ignored me and continued going through Zayn’s business. I watched Harry’s fingers touch Zayn’s money and cards. His grin showed me he found something. He held up a key triumphantly.

“Well…what do we have here…?” Harry held the key like it was his life. This key had the power to help both of us. I pushed away my physics books of the table and sat on it. I felt nauseous. I was betraying Zayn.

Two Kinds of Trickery (a Ziall fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now