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Taehyung puked into the toilet bowl, holding firmly onto the sides while Jungkook rubbed his back and TayJa peeked in. "Mommy sick?" She asked worriedly as Jungkook nodded. "Mommy is sick TayJa." He looked at his daughter who frowned. A little gasp came from her as she ran off and Jungkook gave his attention back to the puking boy, until minutes later, he heard a clash of glass hitting the floor.

Setting him into panic and without a thought, Jungkook got up and hurried out of the bathroom. "TayJa!" He freaked out a bit when he didn't see the girl but when he did, he saw the girl hiding in a corner, her head hiding in her knees. When Jungkook approached her, he saw the broken glass surrounded with water. "TayJa, princess, what happened?" He sighed as he crouched next to the female who sniffled.

"Me w-wanted to get mommy wa-water." she pouted out her lip and looked at her father. "Me sorry dada.." her bottom lip trembled. Jungkook smiled a bit, caressing his girls cheek. "It's okay Princess, go get me the dust pan okay?" He kissed TayJa's forehead and watched the female nod and walk off to grab the dustpan. Jungkook sighed while looking at the shattered glass. Overall what she was trying to do was so sweet.

Once TayJa gave Jungkook the dust pan, she crouched down and carefully picked up the big pieces before dropping them into the garbage. "Ah baby, don't touch. Daddy will do it okay?" He gave TayJa a gentle smile before TayJa shook her head with a pout. Jungkook smiled and shooed her away before cleaning up the mess. Once he finished, he looked to see Taehyung gone from the toilet and hurried to the bedroom where Taehyung was curled up, holding his stomach while fast asleep.

Jungkook smiled gently before kissing Taehyung's forehead and leaving down to the kitchen. Jungkook then grabbed a cup and poured water into the cup before also grabbing Taehyung's vitamin. Soon after he heard the door open and close, Taehyung's father coming in with TayJa in his arms. Jungkook pursed his lips and looked at the male who looked at Jungkook.

Jungkook was still frightened by the male since he did get screamed at by Taehyung's father who was not all the pleased he got his son pregnant. Though he loved TayJa. Everyone seemed to love his daughter but it was fine, as long as his daughter wasn't involved with deep drama, he was fine with being hated by everyone, even his own parents.

"Taehyung just finished throwing up, he's sleeping now. I'll just leave these by his bedside and i'll take TayJa out." He gave a slight bow. Just like any other time, the older male didn't speak unless he had a question. Jungkook went to Taehyung's room and placed the cup on the bedside. After another quick kiss, Jungkook put his sweater on before grabbing TayJa's jacket as well and going downstairs.

"Come here princess." Jungkook called out for TayJa, crouching down and holding her jacket up. TayJa gasped and wiggled out of Mr. Kim's hold and ran to her father, slipping her arms into the pink jacket. Jungkook zippered up the jacket, putting the hood on her and got up, holding TayJa's hand and helping her put her own shoes on. "Yay! Good job baby." Jungkook cheered on his girl after putting the shoes on.

A giggle came from TayJa as she slowly made her way outside with Jungkook by her side. It's been maybe a good four days since TayJa has been out and weeks since TayJa seen her grandparents. As much as he hated to go see them, it was for TayJa's sake since she kept bugging him. Originally he planned on just dropping her off but he didn't want to leave her alone so instead he decided he would stay. Which was a big mistake.

Jungkook walked into the familiar home and took the shoes and jacket off TayJa before letting her run off to her grandma who gasped and held out her arms. "There's my baby girl! Come here!" She let a long 'awe' drag from her mouth as Jungkook slipped off his shoes and put his hands in his pockets before walking over.

"Get kicked out?" She asked with a eyebrow raised, hugging her granddaughter. Jungkook rolled his eyes. "No. TayJa was bugging me about you guys so I brought her. I can gladly take her out of here again." He looked at his mother who sighed and walked off with TayJa. Jungkook sighed as well before sitting on the couch.

Just then, his dad walked into the living room and Jungkook pulled his hoodie over his head. Another lecture, he already regretted coming. "You really think you could just move out like that with my granddaughter?" He spoke, standing in front of Jungkook. Jungkook looked up but didn't respond, if he responded, His father would get mad, if he didn't respond, he'd still get mad so there was no win win in either situation.

"Jeon Jungkook. Do you think taking TayJa out of this house was the right thing to do? Taking her to a place she has no clue about? Leaving her for a dude? Not to mention pregnant? Jungkook, you're not even eighteen yet and you fucked up again. All I ever wanted in a son was him to be successful but that didn't happen. I got the fuck up instead didn't I? Jeon Jungkook, what the fuck are you doing with your life?" He asked, his voice filled with anger.

Jungkook tried to block out what his dad said but he couldn't. Jungkook stood up and was about to go grab TayJa but his dad grabbed his arm. "Jungkook." He spoke and Jungkook pulled his arm away. "You know what I wanted in a dad? Huh? I wanted a dad who would encourage me. Who would ask me how my day was or if I was okay. To ask if I needed help. To be there for me! To lead me in the right direction! But instead I got the shitty ass father who cheats behind my mother who is just as fucked as you are. Out of all the people on this earth, I got stuck with you two! You two who don't even know what love is! Making me feel like shit about my decisions is not great parenting!" He raised his voice.

"You don't understand how bad I wanted to make you proud! Anything I did was not enough! Even after I became a father! Nothing I do is enough to please you! So dad, I got the fuck up as well so I guess we're both out of luck huh?" Jungkook walked to grab his daughter. "Come put your jacket on beb." He motioned his daughter who shook her head and hugged her grandma. "TayJa, please-" he started off but his mother finished. "Just let her stay kook, you can come get her later okay?" She spoke gently. Bet she was letting the fact her husband was cheating on her sink in huh.

Jungkook bit his lip before he shook his head. "Fuck it." Jungkook put the jacket on the couch and with that, he walked out of the house, leaving his daughter alone with his parents.

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