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Thirteen weeks and three days, Taehyung was finally able to actually breathe and not worry. At least not as much since he hit the safe zone but he knew it was still risky and he was still scared as ever but he was okay. Taehyung had Jungkook and he had TayJa to keep him company for the next six months left of his pregnancy. Now it was yet another check up with the doctor to see how his and Jungkook's babies were doing.

"Baby sister!" TayJa bounced in Jungkook's lap as she pointed at the screen. Both Taehyung and Jungkook chuckled. "Oop, guess we're having girls." Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a chuckle. Taehyung scoffed as he laughed. "Mhm, right." He smiled and looked at the screen while holding Jungkook's hand. "Baby B seems to be growing, so that's a good sign. Baby A looks healthy as well so I think it's safe to say you made it through your first trimester Taehyung." Mr. Ryu spoke and took a picture of the ultrasound after being requested to.

After awhile, Taehyung was slipping on his black thrasher hoodie with the help of Jungkook. After so he looked at the doctor. "Okay so, now that you're ending your first trimester, we have some things to discuss." Dr. Ryu took the gloves off and put them into the garbage. Jungkook kept TayJa occupied with his fingers, letting the girl talk to them as he listened to the doctor.

"Being a male and pregnant, that would make some great news wouldn't it? So I suggest you keep your pregnancy to you and maybe a few other people you trust. This male pregnancy is not common at all and only this has ever happened to one other of my clients. They were born just like you. It's hard to explain what happened but, somehow you developed a uterus while your mother was pregnant with you. I was your mothers doctor and I was sure you were a girl with a disease with the crotch area, until I delivered you. Many tests later, you were born as a boy, yes but you had only a girl part." Dr. Ryu explained.

"So.. I can get pregnant just like any other female?" Taehyung asked and Dr. Ryu nodded. "Yes but, you can only deliver by c-section as you know. Also if you do plan on having a baby again after the twins, you should wait at least six months but to be on the safe side, a year." He spoke and Taehyung shook his head along with Jungkook. "Three kids is enough for me-" Jungkook blurted out and Taehyung nodded, pointing at Jungkook to agree.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Kim was smiling at the two as she listened closely. "Never know, maybe we'll have eight babies of yours running around." She teased and Taehyung held his stomach. "I can already feel the pain of going through so many c-sections, no mom, just, no." He shook his head and Jungkook laughed. Dr. Ryu smiled and nodded. "Again, every two weeks you should book an appointment to see me and if everything goes well, you could just come see me every month maybe once or twice instead of every two weeks, unless you're comfortable with that." Dr. Ryu grabbed his chart and Taehyung nodded. "Two weeks please.. just so I don't worry as much." He pursed his lips.

After booking an appointment for himself and the babies, Taehyung was following Jungkook out along with his mother. "So here is the grocery list and after that you go home and rest, okay?" Taehyung's mom looked at Taehyung who nodded and smiled. "Yes mother. Tell Ren I love her." He huffed. With a nod, the female left the three in the parking lot and was off to the children's hospital.

"This is a long grocery list." Jungkook looked at Taehyung who nodded. "Awe look at us, going shopping, being all adulty and shit." He started walking towards the vehicle. Jungkook laughed as he shook his head. "Adulty?" He questioned and Taehyung glared at Jungkook who mumbled a sorry after kissing Taehyung's cheek.

Once they got to the grocery store, Jungkook put TayJa in the cart and started pushing it while Taehyung followed after them. "The bump doesn't show right?" He asked and Jungkook looked at Taehyung before shaking his head. "Even if it did, I would assume they would just think you're chunky." He spoke and Taehyung opened his mouth before nodding. "True." He grabbed the list.

Suddenly Taehyung gasped. "I was craving for pickle juice, can we get pickles." Taehyung stepped beside Jungkook who was already putting some meat into the cart. "Pickle juice?" He repeated and Taehyung nodded. "I don't know.. I just really want pickle juice." He whined and Jungkook nodded. "Okay, go find it then." He patted Taehyung's butt lightly.

With that, Taehyung was off and looking through the aisles to find the pickle jars. That pregnancy really was making him drink and eat some weird shit. First it was Oreos and orange juice, then he suddenly loved eating carrots, wanted ice cream with honey and even nutella with his pear. Now it was pickle juice. Not that all of it was weird. Just wasn't Taehyung's regular food he'd eat on a daily basis.

Taehyung smiled and grabbed a jar, looking at the pickles before grabbing one more jar. he was about to hurry off back to Jungkook, until he seen some crackers. Animal crackers, TayJa and he would love that- oh, and some juice boxes- wait, even those fruit cups would be nice to eat.

Jungkook added in the package of peas before he looked to see Taehyung putting the snacks into the cart slowly while looking at Jungkook with a little pout. Jungkook sighed as he looked at the male. "What?" He asked with the pout and Jungkook shook his head. What could he say? No? "You're lucky I love you." Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's hand and pulled him along while also pushing the cart slowly as he looked at the food.

Taehyung looked at male and smiled lovingly, also looking at TayJa who played with the animal cracker box. Smiling like an idiot, Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook and waddled behind the male throughout the whole store.

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