I sit in the chair of distress while my mother plaits my hair into a bun like style. She then walks away from me and picks out a vintage dress with red roses and black background. I stand with a towel around me, hiding my junk and slip into the nearest bathroom to place the dress onto me. My limbs feel like jelly, my stomach fills with butterflies as I think about the Election Test that will be happening today. We're allowed to show our individuality here in District 4, but then I remember how this isn't for every District. You see, we are not allowed to choose which District we belong to, the Election Test will be doing that part and that is what makes me feel sick to my stomach. It's always been my mum and I and nobody else as my dad died in a war between Districts just like 20,000 of them did and then came the new generation after all of that which are called Animans (Animans are humans, but are part animal). I am a fox Animan with red fox ears, yellow fox-like eyes, greyish fox-like nose and a red fox tail. Getting into a dress is the easiest for me as I just pop it on and my tail flows underneath it. The red rose patterns are so gorgeous and pretty and the roses change colour from red-orange-yellow-green-blue-purple and then repeat. My shoes are black combat boots (my favourite). My hair is a gradient of dark red to medium orange to light yellow at the end and is very wavy when let out to hang over my shoulders. I stand for a minute in the mirror to analyse my face. Greyish fox-like nose, pale skin, lots of freckles, glowing yellow fox-like eyes with long black eyelashes, normal human lips, with the top being half full and the bottom lip being full coloured peach pink and my face diamond with high cheekbones and high jawline (but not too high, just up to my nose.
Sighing with satisfaction, I walk out of the bathroom filled with white pale walls, white ceiling, pale pink cupboards with golden handles, golden rack near the shower, shower curtains matching my dress and the tiles on the floor uneven and coloured hot pink. If I could, I would've chosen black for the tiles and black for the cupboards. My mother places her cool pale hands onto my shoulders and strokes out the fabric. She kept glancing up at my ears as if they were a huge distraction to my appearance and that makes me feel horrible about myself. "Mum, you're staring again." I tell her in a quiet tone and she looks up into my eyes then looks away as if they blind her before speaking in a louder tone, "I don't understand why your ears are kind of big on your head. I don't understand how any of this happened and I definitely don't understand why you are animan while both your father and I are humans. Anyway, it's time for you to get going. Oh, and please don't chase the chickens again, it freaks out everyone as you are the last fox due to the hunters of your fox kind." Then I remember all about that and tears start to well up in my eyes, but I clear my throat and walk out the door while calling behind me, "Bye, mother! I'll be back soon like always!" and with that I run along the grass, along the path and match speed with the bus that seems to have no doors and only windows. I jump to my right and roll to my feet while the people on the bus look at me and stare in amusement. With that I sit on the nearest red with blue striped seats and look out the window, drowning in my own thoughts.
Jumping off the bus, I land on my feet but pain rushes throw my shin, I then rush towards a huge glass building with signs pointing towards the Election Test. I walk into the building and bounce in every step I take, nervous but trying to stay positive, and all I get are stares heading my way then I remember something important "Never let them get to ya, kiddo." A quote by my great grandmother and the way she smiled by ruffling my hair as I sat on her knee makes me remember the good days when I was just a kid, but now at 18, the thought saddens me. Walking through this huge room filled with couches and desks and lamps, all in random, useless places. Faction 4 is known for being shitty at organisation and unflattering reasoning or even stupid reasoning, however I knew I was different. I was different as I had the correct reasoning, very organised at all times and I had secrets that I cannot tell anyone. I had an urge to kill. An urge to damage everything. A feeling of fearlessness. However, there are no Districts with that urge or cruelty, so I kept silent. A finger taps my shoulder and then the person's palm rests as they pull me towards them toward the metal door with a sign; Election Test: Ages: 17-18. I look to my right, a female face, pale skin, greyish nose, tiger ears, three black stripes on her cheek, glowing orange tiger-like eyes, thin lips pulled like a tiger.
District 6
ActionThis is the future, 2035, and animans have now become a generation. Animans are humans who have human parents, BUT they have animal features. They're split into nine districts, yet one of them is dangerous and extinct while the other no longer exist...