Chapter 1- That's what you are

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"Wait... Today is the day she's joining us?!" All Might sounded shocked. All that Aizawa gave was a little 'Mhmm'. "Yes that is correct. And I ask if you all could keep a close eye on her, we are taking her in because of her quirk and what she can't handle of it" Nezu explained calmly. "The number one hero shall keep a close eye on our little next generation pro hero (Y/N)!" Exclaimed All Might. "Why don't you have me keep a close eye on her? Woman to woman" asked Midnight. "No, we all have to keep an eye on her. Now you all are excused, we must get ready!" Nezu said. All the pro's who work at UA got up, bowed, and left; all except Aizawa. "Aizawa.. If she becomes something at training... Use your quirk to stop her." Nezu said coldly. "Ok" Aizawa said then left the room. "(Y/N)... I can tell you will have a special place here already" Nezu whispered.


You groaned as you heard a constant beeping sound. "What the..." You mumbled as you slammed on your alarm clock; turning it off. You yawned as you spread across your bed lazily. "I don't even wanna get uuuuupppp" You whined to yourself. That's when your eyes shot open and you sat up. "Crap- I'll be late!" You called out as you fell out of bed.

You did your daily routine quickly; took a quick shower, blow dried and straightened your hair, put on light make-up, and got dressed. You looked the mirror, admiring yourself; you had pale skin, shinning (e/c) eyes, long (h/c) hair, pink lips, and technically a nice body. You smiled a little as you grabbed a pair of gloves, putting them on. It surely wasn't cold out nor raining; but you need the gloves to cover your hands to not active your quirk since you can't always control it. You smiled widely and ran downstairs.

"Himi-" You stopped when you didn't see your friend anywhere. "Huuuuuuh?! But she's always here to talk or walk me somewhere!" You whined. "She's busy." Stated someone behind the counter. You looked at him and pouted. "Go on (Y/N) you'll be late" The person shooed you out. "Fine! Don't think I'll help you guys anymore after this!" You exclaimed angrily. All he did was chuckle and say 'We'll see about that'.

You started walking to the most known school UA. Since you were littler you've always wanted to go there. You smiled and giggled; being as bubbly as ever, you probably get that from someone close to you.


The class sat down as Aizawa walked in, looking as dead as ever. "Now how I have stated before... We do not usually take in new students... But, we are today" Aizawa mumbled as he got out of his sleeping bag. The class gasped. "A new student?!" The class exclaimed together. "IS IT A GIRL?!" Denki shouted. Aizawa gave an annoyed huff "Yes.. The new student is a girl" he added bluntly. All the girls cheered along with Denki and Mineta. "Everyone quiet down... She should be here soon" Aiazawa said before snoozing off. "Uh... Aizawa?" Asked All Might when he stepped into the room, in his muscle form.


You were running like Naruto; you had stopped by the café to get something to eat when you noticed the clock. "AHHGG I'M GONNA BE LATE!" You screamed as you approached the school. You ran into the building and burst through the doors into your classroom only to bump heads with someone. "AcK!" You fell back on your behind.

You opened your eyes to look at grey and blue eyes. "Ah! I'm so so so so so Sorry!" You started panicking. The boy you had bumped heads with stood up and held out a hand to you. "It's fine" he said, half kindly have coldly. You hesitated but quickly took his hand, got up, and let go. You looked at everyone else whose eyes were shining. "I'm in... The right classroom right?" You said with a sweatdrop.

"Welcome young hero!" All Might welcomed. You looked at him and your eyes lit up. "Omg.. ALL MIGHT IT'S SUCH AN HONOR TO MEET YOU!" You exclaimed happily as you shook his hand wildly; which he laughed at. You let go of his hand and quickly turned to the class, you noticed the boy who you ran into earlier had already sat back down. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)! It's such an honor to be here! I hope we all get along very well!" You bowed. "NICE TO MEET CHA (Y/N)!!" Everyone yelled except a particular blondie and the miss matched eye boy just whispered it. You smiled shyly and waved at everyone a little, showing off your gloves.

"Tch. Who are you trying to be? Elsa?" Asked the blondie who you think should be a boy named Bakugou. You looked at him and smiled nicely "Shall I freeze your ass off then?" Everyone stopped and stared at you two. Bakugou just gave you death eyes while you smirked evily. "I like you. You have guts pale face" He stated with a smirk. You smiled "Why thank you~"

You sat by the half and half boy named Shouto who aka you bumped into earlier. You knew basically everyone's name from the Sports Festival that you watched with your so called 'family'. You turned to the boy and smiled. "Hey.. I'm so sorry for bumping into you; let's start over! I'm (Y/N) (L/N)! I don't mind people calling me by my first name though!" You greeted the boy. "Shouto Todoroki... Nice to meet you (Y/N)" Shouto sounded kinder; but... You froze when you heard Todoroki. "Todoroki? Ohhh so your the Pro #2 son!" You smiled, hiding your partial fear. Shouto looked a bit annoyed when you said it. "But.. What's his name again?" You questioned. Shouto sat there before holding back a laugh; which he failed at. His laugh actually made you feel happy, you smiled and a little red showed up on your cheeks. "Welcome to U.A (Y/N)" Shouto said, still giggling a little.


You burst through the door, filled with smiles. Today was amazing, new school, New friends, amazing teachers! You absolutely loved It! But... There's one problem...

"(Y/N). Your late." Dabi stated. You scoffed and looked at him dead in his eyes. "So what?" You said. "Awwwww are you gonna get rid of us and become friends with those bastards of next generation pro hero's?!" Exclaimed Himiko. "You left me this morning!" You whined. "No changing the topic (Y/N)! We're you or were you not hanging out with them?" Dabi Asked, sounding deadly. You gulped and nodded. "(Y/N)... Your just hanging out with them to get information remember that. No getting to attached. And we must get dirt on my brother Shouto to." Dabi explained. "I already fucking know that!" You bursted out. "A villain." Dabi stated. "Huh?"

"That's what you are (Y/N), a villain. Don't forget it."

A cold, dark flame (Shouto X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now