Chapter 3- Her.

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"What's your quirk anyway?"


You sighed. "You'll figure out soon enough Deku. And you'll either be amazed or terrified.." You spoke softly, still running infront of the innocent boy. "Huh? Terrified?" He said, clearly confused. "Nothing, now let's hurry!" You yelled, jumping in the air and clicking your heels together, activating the roller skates in your shoes. "Wha- (Y/N)! Wait up!" Deku yelled, activating his quirk and sometimes having to jump to catch up with you. You saw explosions up ahead, so you stopped and unquipped your skates. "Go around back Deku. See if Uraraka and Mono are back there. Bakugou will be there shortly." You stated. All Deku gave was a slight nod then ran around the  back of a building.

You ran up to see Katsuki fighting Todoroki, no surprise there. "Bakugou!" You called out. "HUH?! WHAT DO U WANT PALE-FACE?! I'M KINDA FUCKING BUSY!" Bakugou yelled, dodging Todoroki's mini ice spears. "Let me handle with Todoroki! Go find Deku then Uraraka and Mono!" You called out, jumping infront of Bakugou. "What the fuck- BUT THIS IS A FUCKING RE-MATCH!" Yelled Bakugou, getting very angry. "JUST GO!" You got angry. "Tsk. Fine! YOU FUCKING OWE ME!" He ran off. You looked at Todoroki, who surprisingly had a shocked face.

"C'mon Todoroki" You got into a fighting stance "Come at me" You gave a cocky grin, copying Bakugou. "If that's what it takes to win, so be it" Todoroki stated, fire shooting out from his right side. You both ran at eachother.


"Damn Pale-Face." Bakugou mumbled, walking back the way he came from aka walking towards you and Todoroki. "K-Kacchan we did good.. Don't you think?" Deku stuttered, holding an extra bracelet in his hand. Bakugou tsked, also holding an extra bracelet. "Gosh dang it you guys got us so easily!" Uraraka pouted. Momo just sighed. "Oh shush angel-face. You did amazing" Bakugou mumbled, but Uraraka heard causing her to blush and smile. "Its left to Todoroki-san..." Momo whispered. "Pale-Face probably doesn't have the bracelet yet" Bakugou growled. "But there's something weird... (Y/N) Said something about being amazed or terrified of her quirk..." Deku mumbled. "Huh? What do you mean?" Uraraka asked. "I have no idea..." Deku sighed.


You hid behind a building, catching your breath. You haven't used your quirk, causing you to dodge every single attack; which was very tiring. "(Y/N)... Why aren't you using your quirk?" Shouto yelled, making sure you heard. You looked down at your hands that were covered by your gloves. "Are you afraid? Tired? Or can't control it?" Shouto yelled again, causing you to gulp at the last statement. "No... It's not that.. But if I get into it.. She will take over.." You whispered, making you regret it a second after. Fire came flaming your way, causing you to jump out of the way, not before getting burned on your nose a little. "Ow ow ow... It burns!" You whined, you looked over to see Shouto standing right infront of you. "Why aren't you using your quirk?" He questioned, sending ice spears your way which you easily dodged. "And why are you going easy?" You asked. He stopped but then frowned more. "I might sound like Midoriya right here but.. Your quirk is yours and yours alone. No matter what it is." He stated, getting in a stance. Your eyes widened "But it's not my own..." You whispered as you held your hands to your chest. "Not your own? What do you mean?" Shouto questioned, getting out of the stance. You gulped and took a step back right before hearing a bell, reminding you you only have 25 minutes left. "No time for questions." Shouto stated, sending huge ice spears at you. You stood your ground, you couldn't out dodge those! 'So there's only one thing to do..' You thought.

You immediately tore your gloves off, your hands instantly getting a strange black mist/glow around them. You quickly swiped your hands up, making a curved black shield infront if you, making the ice spears shatter when they hit the shield. You got pushed back a little from the impact but made the shield disappear. "Shields? That's your quirk?" Shouto questioned. "No... That's not all Shouto!" You yelled confidently. You reached infront of you, making the palms of your hands facing Shouto. Your eyes narrowed and started to glow (e/c) a little. "HYYYAAA!" You shouted, shooting black bullets at Shouto. He got surprised and quickly put up a ice shield infront of him but your bullets just went right through the ice, making the boy stumble a little aways. "What?... A shield and bullets?.. I've never heard of a quirk consisting of those.." Shouto whispered. He looked down and his eyes widened a little, his hero costume was burnt off a little on his left side, showing some of his muscles. He looked up to see you walking towards him, eyes glowing (e/c), black mist glowing around your hands, and your hair strangely floating up. "Ready to give up Shouto?" You spoke weirdly, your voice sounding a little weird; like a mix of your voice with someone else's. "Or shall we make this a little more interesting?" You asked. Suddenly a dark flame rose from your whole body, just like how Shouto's fire does with his body. Shouto gasped and stared at the fire. "Dark fire?..." He whispered. "Wait... Dark fire... Dark bullets... A dark shield... It can't be... You have the-" He got cut off.

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