Chapter 41

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5 months later~
Cameron's POV~
"C'mon babe we're going to be late for thee doctor's appointment." I said. "I'm coming!" I opened the garage door and helped Mel get in the car. and we drove out. We arrived there on time. We waited a little bit so Mel and I just sat next to each other on our phones. "Dallas, Melanie Dallas please come in." The doctor came out and called us in. "Ok so you're 5 months in. correct?" "Yes Doctor." "Ok. So She's now in the her second trimester. Last time you didn't want to know the gender. Would you like to now?" "Yes we would." "Ok so let's get started. It's going to be a little warm but it won't hurt. Just try not to move any sudden movements while I'm scanning the baby." He said as he was putting the gel on Mel's stomach. "Ready Mel?" "Yeah." She said as she held tight onto my hand. "It's A..."

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