New Girl- (A Josh Hutcherson Fanfic!)

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So today is the day. The day that my family moves from Toledo, Ohio to Union, Kentucky. My father got a new job there. It's my junior year in high school and we are in ther middle of the school year. I have an amazing boyfriend and great friends. I would prefer not to leave all my friends but I'm kinda being forced to. I'm so mad at my parents right now. Ryan and I are trying to make it work. I'm not sure how well it's going to work though. I have never been in a long distance relationship before and I heard the last girl who was in a long distance relationship with him,he cheated on her. I don't believe he will do that to me though. We have been together for a year and a half now.

When we finally got to the new house, I'm forced to meet the new neighbors. I walk over to a big yellow house to the right of us and knock on the door. My older brother was standing right next to me. I can tell her doesn't want to be here more then I do because it's his senior year. A middle aged woman opens the door and has a big smile on her face. "Hello, Can I help you guys?"

"Um, no we just wanted to introduce ourselves. We are the new neighbors. I'm Kaelinn and this is Kyle." I say to the lady. Kyle says hi to her.

"Well hello then. I'm Michelle. Why doin't you guys come in. We can talk a little bit." she smiles.

"Well that sounds nice, but actually I have to run to the store, but I'm sure Kaelinn would love to stay." Kyle says smiling at me. I really don't want to be hear right now and Kyle know that. I just glare at him as he walks away. I walk into JMichelle's house and look at the pictures on the walls. I see a familar face. It looks like Josh Hutcherson. It can't be.

I follow Michelle into the kitchen. "Would you like something to drink or eat?" she asks poleitly. I shake my head noand say thanks anyways. "Chris! Come down. We have a guest." Michelle yells upstairs. "I'm sorry. Josh and Connor are at school right now. Aren't you suppose to be at school?"

"Well actually we just got here like 20 minutes ago." I say as Chris walks in. I'm assuming it's her husband. Wait, did she say Josh is at school. Is this Josh Hutcherson's house? I'm not going to be rude and ask, but it will be bugging me.

"Hello. I'm Chris." He says shaking my hand.

"I'm Kaelinn. My brother is Kyle, but he had to run to the store." I say with a smile. "I think I should be leaving now. Thanks for having me over. It was nice to meet you!" I get up and walk out of the door. I walk straight to my new room and pick up my cell phone. I dial in my bestfriend Kelsey's number and call her. I know she isn't at school today because she is sick.


"Kelsey. It's Kaelinn. I need to talk to you."

"What's wrong?"

"Well, I just meet my neighbors."


"I think they are related to Josh Hutcherson."

"Are you being Serious?! I freaking love him!"

"I know that's why I told you. They told me Josh and Connor were at school, so I can't confirm it's really him."

"Josh Hutcherson has a brother named Connor. What was the couples names?"

"Um.. I think Michelle and Chris?"

"That's what his parents names are. You neighbor is josh Hutcherson!"

"Calm down psyco! I gotta go but I will call you tonight."

"Okay, I miss you all ready!"

"Feel better girly Bye!"

I hang up the phone and unpack my room. Just as I'm done, I look at the clock. 5:30. Dinner time! I'm starving. There is a knock at the door, so I go get it. I open it and see a boy about 12 standing there.

"Hi I'm Connor! My mom and dad were wondering if your family would like to have dinner with us?" Connor asks.

"Um, why don't you ask them for yourself." I say with a smile. I show him to the living room where my parents are sitting.

"Mom, dad. Connor wants to ask you guys something." I say.

"Would you guys like to have dinner with us?" He asks innocently. He is too cute.

"We would love to! Just let us get cleaned up and we will be right over!" My mother said.

"Great Thanks!" Connor says and then leaves.

I walk upstairs and tell Kyle we are going next door for dinner. I go into my room and look at my phone. One missed call from Ryan. I quickly call him back.

"Hey Ryan. Sorry I missed your call I have been unpacking. I misss you some much already!"

"Listen Kaelinn. I don't think this is going to work out. We are a state away. We aren't ever going to see each other. I'm sorry."

I hang up on him and sit on my bed and cry. Kyle walks in to tell me we are leaving and shes me crying. "What happened Kaelinn?" He asks. I know he is worried. He is extremely protective over me.

"Ryan." I say.

"What did that jerk do to you?" he asks a little madder.

"He dumped me." I say sniffling. I wipe away the tears and grab my clothes. I walk into the bathroom that is in my room and change. Kyle is still there when I walk out. He gives me a big hug and says, "He was never the one for you. He didn't deserve you. You will find the one." This makes me feel alot better. I walk downstairs and we all over to the neighbors house. You can tell I have been crying, but I don't care. Kyle knocks on the door and a guy about my age opens it. It really is him. It's Josh Hutcherson. I'm not really a fan of his, but I think he is cute.

"Hello. I'm Josh!" He says making eye contact with me. Our eyes locked and you couldn't seperate us for anything.

We walk in and see a big dinner set up. It looks delicous! We introduce ourselves. I keep to myself because I'm still really upset because of the break-up. I sit down at the table next to Kyle. Josh sits on the other sit of me. I feel tears well up in my eyes and look down at my phone. I have a text. It's from Ryan. It says. "Kaelinn, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to end like that. Please forgive me. I still want to be called your boyfriend. I still love you. I don't know what was wrong with me earlier." I feel tears fall down my cheeks.

"Hey are you okay?" Josh whispers to me. I wipe away the tears and nod my head yes.

I get my plate and eat my food in silence. I wait for everyone to finish their food. We all say our good-byes and leave. I walk up to my room and cry myself to sleep.

New Girl - Josh Hutcherson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now