Not yet at least.

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"Really Kyle? The first day of a new school and you already got detention." My dad yells to Kyle.

"It's not my fault. The kid threw the first punch." Kyle snaps back.

"Why did you even go up to him in the first place?" My father asks.

"He tried to do stuff to Kaelinn and I won't let that happen." He says trying to explain what happened without giving to much details.

"Kaelinn, is this true? What did this kid do to you?" my dad asks, looking at me with worried eyes. Great. I really didn't want to be part of this.

"He tried to kiss me and then put his arm around my waist." I say looking down at my feet. "Can I go for a walk?"

"Sure, just stay away from that kid." he says to me.

I walk out the door to go on a walk, and see Josh walking out to his car. He seems to see me and waves. "Hey! You wanna hang and go to the mall?" Josh asks me.

"Sure just let me grab my purse and I will be right out." I say with a smile.

I walk in and grab my purse and tell my dad where I'm going. He says okay and I leave.

I get in Josh's car and we pull out of the driveway. My favorite song comes on the radio and I turn it up. Josh must like it to because he is singing it with me.

"When I see your face,

There's not a thing I would change.

'Cause you're amazing, Just the way you are.

And when you smile.

The whole world stops and stares for awhile.

'Cause you're amazing. Just the way you are."

When the song is over, we both look at each other and laugh. My phone is what brings me out of thets laughter. It's a text from Kelsey. Crap, I never called her back. It says, "Hey, wth.? I thought you were gonna call me back last night?" I quickly reply back, "Sorry I have been busy with school and drama and stuff." It takes a couple of minutes for her to reply, so I try to make a convertsation with Josh.

"So why haven't you told me about any of your friends?" I ask.

"What's there to say? They all just want to be friends with me because of my fame. I honestly was hoping that you aren't one of them." He says giving me one of the joking punches in the arm.

"Oh, trust me. I couldn't care less about your fame." I say back and my phone buzzes. I look at it and it's from Kelsey. "DETAILS!"  I reply back, "Well Ryan dumped me, Josh Hutcherson is my neighbor, he is my "helper", I almost got raped lol jk, Kyle already has detention. must I go on?"

"So tell me about your friends." Josh says after I hit the send button.

"Well I had one true friend. Her name is Kelsey. I had a boyfriend, but he turned out to complete fake." I say and then my phone starts ringing. "And here Kelsey is now."

"Well, anwser it! and put it on speaker phone I wanna talk to!" Josh says.

"Okay, okay! Hold on!" I say and hit the anwser button. "Hey Kels! I miss you!"

"OMG! KAELINN NICOLE GREY! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU LIVE NEXT TO JOSH HUTCHERSON?!?!?!?" She screamed through the phone. I think it almost busted out my speakers.

"Hey Kelsey! It's Josh!" He says. All you hear is screams now.

"If you can't tell, she is a huge fan." I explain to Josh. He starts laughing.

"Okay! Calm down girly! What did you want?" I ask to Kelsey.

"I just wanted to talk to my bestfriend. I miss you so much! and Hi Josh! I can't believe I'm actually talking to you!" she says.

"Well, now really isn't the best time. Josh and I are just pulling up to the mall." I say.

"What are you guys doing at the mall?" Kelsey asks.

"Yeah, Josh. Why are we here?" I ask josh. I can hear Kelsey giggling in the background.

"Well, I have an interview and then I figured we could hang out and go shopping or something." Josh says.

"Well, I don't want to keep you guys from having some fun so Bye! Call me later Kae. Love ya!" Kelsey says.

"Love you too! and okay I will. bye!" I say.

"Bye Kelsey! Nice talking to you!" Josh says right before I hang up. We get out of the car and that's when I see them. Tons of screaming girls. Poparozzi.

"You ready for this?" Josh asks me as we start walking towards the doors.

"As ready as I will ever be. Are all these girls here for you?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says, pushing through the crowd.

I listen to all the questions being asked to him. "Are you single, Josh?" "What's the next movie you are playing in?". There is one question in particular that hit me with suprise.

"Is this your girlfriend, Josh?" one of the reporters asks. I look at Josh. He has a smile on his face and looks like he is blushing.

"Umm. No. Not yet at least." Josh says. What is that suppose to mean? I just smile and shake my head.

When we finally reach the area where the interview is going to be, I am told to sit with Josh. I have no clue why, but I do what I am told.

"What was that suppose to mean?" I whisper to Josh.

"What are you talking about?" He whispers back.

"When they asked if we were dating, and you said not yet." I whisper.

"Oh. That." He says.

"Yeah that." I say.

"Well they always want a new story and you have to give them one sometimes. I'm sorry if it embaressed you." He whispers. He is looking at his feet the whole time. I can tell he is lying. I'm good at seeing when people are lying.

"You're lying. I can tell." I say.

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