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"AND THEN HE SAID 'WELL THAT'S NOT MY FAULT" everyone laughed i of course did to. I leaned over to my best friend Katherine "hey is it just me or is it cold in here?" She rolled her eyes "winter, your always cold. Just go and walk around" i sighed and stood up.

I was walking when I found a leather jacket. "Mhm why would someone leave this jacket here? It's so warm and pretty" I swifted it over my shoulder and put it on. I wraped my arms around myself and continued walking.

"Hey you over there!" I turned around and see a boy walking up to me. He had a defined jaw and pink hair and light brown eyes. "Yes?" He stared down at me "I see you have my jacket?" I take off the jacket.

I look at him. God his beautiful.
"I'm sorry i found it outside an-"
He snatched it away
And then he walked away.

Jeez who got him mad

I go to the bathroom and roll up my sleeve. Cuts were there some new some old. I look up to the mirror. "God why are you so stupid? When you find a jacket you don't just take it ugly ass fake bitch" I take the razor that was resting in my jeans pocket.

And cut my soft skin and watch as the blood slides down my arm onto the floor. I look up to the mirror again "god your so useless"

I open the door and there stood the boy with pink hair. "Oh I'm sorry I was just leaving-" he grabbed my face "I like that your broken, broken like me maybe that make's me a fool" i rise my eyebrows, my face still in his hands "I like that your lonely lonely like me I could be lonely with you"

He and then pushs me in the bathroom.

Jacket|Suga BTSWhere stories live. Discover now