The Start of the Cold War

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Before reading this. Please remember that Johnny is Edgar's nickname. I haven't used the nickname in a while soooo... yeah..


The place is absolutely stuffy, even though they rented out a private room for themselves. It was common for them to go out after a weeks' worth of hard work. The smell of pizza, booze and sweat filled his nostrils. It wasn't a five star restaurant but it suited them just fine.

"Say, Clarence, who's the stud with you?" Kate clung on Clarence's arm, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Stud?" Clarence scanned the room if Edgar was in, "I don't think so."

"That guy." She pointed at Ian, who was laughing along with the rest of Clarence's team.

"Oh, you mean Ian. I suppose he is good- looking." Ian had good- timing to boot when Clarence was finishing up their report in the Marketing office, Ian decided to invite him somewhere. Somewhere could be in a fast- food joint down the street, an arcade, or the quiet bookshop by their school. His friends upon seeing the new comer, let Ian tag along their little get- together instead.

The little gears in Kate's head turned on as Clarence observed how she scrunched up her brows and eyes narrowed in thought.

"Does this mean you're..." Kate covered her mouth with her fingers. She's being dramatic (again), "cheating on Edgar..?"

His eyes widened like saucers, "What gave you that idea? I would never."

"So where is he?" she placed her hand on her hips, raising her eyebrow at him like he did something wrong, "I don't see any Edgar shaped stud here."

"Come on, you can't expect him to always stick with me." Clarence crossed his arms defiantly, "And I don't think there's anything wrong with making new friends."

Kate held her hands up. This was no time to make a scene, "Fine. Calm down, baby boy."

Clarence relaxed a bit, but was still wary of her, "Ian's just a friend. I already told Edgar that he was nothing more than that."

You sound defensive "Really?" You're giving me too much.

"Yes, can't I have fun with other people?" Clarence crossed his arms. But his fingers fidgets as he tucks it under his sleeves, "Look, Kate, Edgar and I are still together if you're worried about that. He calls me every night and he's always there when I need him. Everything's fine."

Is he the only one contributing in this relationship? "I understand. Completely." You're too complacent.

"Alright. Thanks for not going further into it."

Kate put her hands on his shoulders, "Just remember to make some time for him too. It's great to have friends but you should keep your commitment with Edgar if you truly do like(love) him."


"Alexander, told you that?"

Ren and Max are on their day off which they have no intention of knowing where. For now, it's just the three of them, cleaning up the café. But they're not. They've settled themselves on the stools infront of the counter.


Alejandro handed out the jar of cookies.

"No cookies for me. I'll get the leftover carrot cake." Johnny went over to the fridge and took it out.

"I don't understand why you like that flavor, there's chocolate, caramel, strawberry but you pick a carrot out of all those." Hugh swigs his cup and took a big gulp of it.

Johnny chews slowly, savoring it, "I just like how it tastes."

"I can understand fruits as a goof flavor but veggies. Nope. No way." Hugh stuck his tongue out in disgust.

"We're getting off topic. You're going through with this?"

"If it gets Clarence's attention back, sure."

"You know the problem is you're being too attentive."

"Well, what's wrong with that?" Johnny asked. There were crumbs sticking on his stubble, he acts more like a kid than a man.

"Clarence will be conceited, you're being an easy target. Since you're so easy, he'll get tired of you and try and find some other bloke that's... not easy... unlike you." Hugh gestured him with his half- eaten cookie.

Johnny choked on his carrot cake, Alejandro had to pat him on the back rather roughly.

"I'm easy..?"

"Well yeah... you're like a moodle."

"A what?!"

"A man poodle. He wants to date you, to feed you, to take you to places, but nobody wants to do the moodle."

"Hey! If you're talking about sex, we already had sex."


"Oh Hugh, just stop using that word from the movie 'She's out of my league'" Al whacked Hugh on the head lightly, "And you, Johnny, what Hugh meant was to stop acting like a lap dog for Clarence. You're not the only one who's supposed to be earnest in this, Clarence should be too."

"Look , I'll give you some advice about it."

"Besides, this is the perfect way to send a message to him."

"What kind of message?"

"That he needs you just as much as you need him."

Alejandro sat beside him, and Hugh slung his arm on his shoulders. Did they just corner him?

"Now listen carefully if you want this to work, you'll have to follow these simple instructions...."


It was the first time in three weeks when Clarence was finally able to meet Edgar for more than 5 minutes. Edgar texted him but didn't call him anymore.

Clarence spotted Edgar in the Marketing office. For now, their professors are using it as a consulting room for the senior students' portfolio and theses. A lot of seniors lined up but most of them were women who are ogling at Edgar

Edgar looks absolutely dapper in his gray Tom Ford suit. He carries an air of professionalism with him making the ladies swoon while waiting their turn. He can't blame them.

"Alright, excellent work, Mr. Carter." The professor shook his hand, "An amazing presentation. You don't need to attend the final defense."

Edgar smiled, "Thank you very much, Sir Arnold."

Edgar took his papers and brushed passed Clarence, who was surprised (and a bit hurt) that he didn't notice him.

Clarence spun around to chased after him.

"Hey, Edgar!"

Edgar immediately halted his steps and turned towards him with an uninterested face. His usual smile wasn't there which unnerved Clarence a lot.

"Hi, Clarence. Do you need anything?"

"I -uhh... wanted to say 'hi'" Why haven't you been calling me? "How are you?"

Clarence saw Edgar smile for a brief moment then it was gone. Like his eyes simply played a trick on him.

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking." Edgar glanced at his wristwatch for a moment, looking impatient, "Sorry but I need to go. I have another seminar to attend to."

He didn't say another word and marched right out of the double doors.

"Yeah... Bye.." Clarence rubbed his arm feeling a bit sheepish.

Was that his Edgar?


Hope you like this chapter. It will be very hard to write a pretending to be arrogant Edgar, so please bear with this novice once more.

Much love to all of you. Pax : )

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