Chapter 19

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you ever get those days where u just wanna drown yourself in and get lost in music, completely

where was i?


He hadn't slept. There had been a significant whirlwind inside his stomach that hadn't at all calmed down, so he had spent the night with his eyes wide open laid on his back stiffly like an idiot. Everytime he thought back to the night before, and images of Jimin would flash through his mind, Jungkook felt a fire burn inside that was almost impossible to extinguish with just willpower alone.
It didn't help that everytime Jimin shifted in his sleep, he could hear it. And he was reminded all over again of the almost incident.

He leaned over on his side, and eyed the clock. 9:58am. Taemin was still sleeping on the futon, and Jungkook had taken the sofa. He considered not getting up, and maybe waiting for Jimin to wake up himself, but he knew for definite that Jimin would be hungover. He had to help him.
It was what he was made for.

Jungkook knocked gently on Jimin's door, and he heard an audible groan.

"Hyung?" Jungkook spoke softly.

"Oh god..."

He opened the door with a glass of water in hand, and a plate of waffles.
Jimin was sat up looking incredibly dishevelled, and his fluffy hair was sticking out in every way possible. "You okay?"

Jimin groaned again, and massaged his temples. "The last time I drank that much was during initiation when I became a freshman." He looked up at Jungkook and weakly smiled. And Jungkook almost dropped the plate and cup as that same firey feeling spread across his torso. Placing the waffles to a side, he offered the water to Jimin who gratefully took it. "Mmm thank you. I hope I didn't cause you trouble last night. I can't really remember towards the end of it."

"You didn't hyung, don't worry."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, and lowered the cup. "Then how come you won't look at me?"

The bionic was well aware that he had purposely kept his gaze on the cup instead of Jimin, and was surprised that Jimin had caught onto that. "I'm, only tired. Really hyung."

He brought the waffles over to him, and Jimin gasped. "Oh wow, Jungkook, you didn't have to!"

"You ate 3 bags of shrimp chips last night, and drank 3 bottles of wine. I really did." He felt himself smile as he looked up at Jimin. "And for how you're helping me...this won't ever cover it."

Smiling, the blonde scratched the back of his neck with a blush lining his cheeks, before picking up the fork. "Hey, the wine was also shared between two people...and you don't have to be so cheesy..."


"Oh wait, is Taemin hyung still here?!'

"Yeah, he's in the kitchen where it's quiet. He has a really bad headache."

"Pffft, I'm not surprised! He's lucky I had a Jungkookie on hand!"

"Yeah." The younger suddenly couldn't stop smiling.

Jimin picked up the waffle, and was about to take a bite before he stopped. "Jungkookie?"


"No wait, where did that come from?"

"You called me it last night?"

"I did?" Jimin's eyes widened and his face turned red.

"Yeah. And Kookie-"

"Oh no." He pulled up his sweater over his face. "...what else did I do?"

"They're just nicknames hyung, don't worry?"

Apathy, and His Smile JIKOOK||Where stories live. Discover now