Chapter 1

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I'm not known for my "people skills", I'm not known for anything in fact. I like it though. Living as though you don't exist is more fun than you'd think. I'm what they call a runaway I suppose. Left my life back home and came to California. I don't speak unless spoken to, I don't have to think about what everyone thinks and I don't have to worry about anything else neither. That all changed when I met him. The boy who changed my views of everything. The boy who made me leave my lonesome life for the attention and the love of another human. I can never thank him enough for it. Let's just get on with the story shall we? I guess I should warn you. There are deaths, tragedies, and pain, but as every good story teller knows, details are everything so I will not filter myself for you. Accept it or leave.

I'll decide if I like you enough to tell my depressing back story to you later, for now let's just start a week before I met the boy.:

"This damn bag!" The woman screamed in exasperation while she screamed and cried. Cheated on and leaving his stupid,ignorant, slimy butt behind. I decided to go over and help her.

I walked up and she stared at me for a second. Examining my image I suppose. I'm not a dirty homeless man, so why do people look at me in such shock? Like I'm gonna snatch their soul and eat it while they watch. It's so dehumanizing.

I motioned for her to step back and pushed the bag in with the big pile like it was nothing. She just kept staring and I bowed slightly as though to say you're welcome and left.

I continued to walk through this tourist contaminated place and kept my head up. They all looked at me like I was an alien, yet again but I just kept walking. What was so wrong with me? Was it my clothes? My hair? My face? Doesn't matter. No one respects each other anymore anyway.

"MARIA DO I HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN?" A man screamed from an alley way. I sprinted towards where I heard the yelling and saw a man about to slap a woman. Aw, how cute. He thinks he can do that when I'm around.

I ran over and bent his arm back before he could even come close to her face. I spun him around to see his terrified face. He was tall, much taller than me. Do I care? Not a bit. I stared him down until I saw him slowly get into more and more pain. Not saying a single word I bent his arm back until I heard a sharp snap in his shoulder and him scream his lungs out and then run. The poor Maria girl just stood there terrified. That's when it hit me. She's gotta be a maximum of 15. That was her father. I supposed she was good enough to speak to.

"You okay?" I asked realising how weird my voice sounded considering that I haven't spoken in over a week.

"I guess. Who are you?" She said crossing her arms shyly.

"Names are over rated. They're just a label given to us throughout our lives and its rare that I tell mine, I'm sorry. You can know me as the girl who saved you from your own blood if you'd like." I said not losing her eye contact. I handed her a can of pepper spray and she took it obviously not understanding what I handed her.

"Pepper spray. He comes near you again, or anyone trying to hurt you, you spray it in their faces and run. Just run. Don't look back, run and if they get back up keep spraying them. I promise this world is cruel Maria. I also promise that there is something you'll find can keep you here. Keep you alive. You stick around to find it and you promise me that you'll stay for it." I said before whipping a tear from her cheek.

"I do promise but..."

"But what?"

"What's yours?"

"I haven't found it. Maybe it's helping people, I don't know but I'm still sticking around."

"Goodbye and thank you girl who saved me from my own blood." She said smiling.

"Goodbye and any time Maria." I said walking away.

I heard her run off and kept walking down the streets.

Before you think I'm some freak who's trying to play supergirl let me explain myself. If I hear someone in trouble, I'll try to help. I know when to back off of course. I know when it's time to leave. The thing I don't know is how to trust anyone. I don't even trust Maria or the girl I helped this morning. Humans are cruel and sick and twisted and I hate all of them. Including myself.

My thoughts were interrupted by a group of girls chasing after some big bus. Not another boy band.

A boy climbed out once security had assured the groupies to leave because no one of the boy band was on the bus. That's so DUMB that girls do that. I personally wanted to be a musician before I left my suckish life. Now I'm free.

I decided to ignore it and just carry on through the streets. Why a celebrity would wanna come to Imperial Beach I don't know. Nor do I care.

I kept walking and saw that everything was suddenly silent all around me. Everyone were at home or at their hotels. What happened here? Something isn't right.

The Impossible Task //Luke Hemmings\\Where stories live. Discover now