2-with him?

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As school came to an end, I met Star outside of class.

"Y/n ! C'mon slow poke!" She yelled as she ran leading the way.

I ran after Star to the house , kind of like a playful race in a way. In time, we arrived at their house.

"So, tell me about your self y/n" Marco said , walking towards the porch of the house in front of the group.

"I'm 16 and I love music. My favorite color is f/c . I have no family members that I know of and that's mainly it, there's not much to me. How about you star?" Marco opened the door as we all talked. Shutting the door closed, and walking into the living room. Taking a seat on the couch.

"I'm a princess and monsters tend to always want to get to me. So Marco and I fight them most of the time." She replies as if it was nothing.

"Oh wow okay." I laughed a little wondering why she would tell a complete stranger about that.

She's so blunt. I love it. They then laughed at my response. Our laughter was interrupted when We then heard a knock on the door.

"Coming!" Star tells as she walked towards the door
She checks through the door lens and looks back at us.

"it's Tom."

"Who's Tom?" I pretended not to know who he was

"He's been trying to get back with star. Yet he knows that I'm dating her. He's too stubborn to let go. The past was the past, plus I'm with her now, he kinda needs to back off." Marco stated casually.

I saw as Star became a blushing mess due to Marco's comments about her and Tom need to 'back off'. She opened the door and welcomed him in.

"Hey dudeee." I said nervously

"Hey Tom." Marco said

"Hiii." Star said in her regular cheerful tone.

"Hello Star. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today, just the two of us." He said nervously, showing her a rose that he had hid behind him.

I actually thought it was cute how he was trying to win her back. But unfortunately for him, she was in love with Marco.

"I can't. I kinda have this thing with Marco, you know my boyfriend." She dragged out the boyfriend part.

"Welp, this is awkward." I said softly to myself

Tom took notice of me.

"Who is she?" He asked

Marco smirked. "She's pretty isn't she? She's single and her name's y/n. And y/n this is Tom."

"See anything you like." I laughed of course saying it as a joke z

Everyone was quiet.

"Guys its a joke. You guys are so tense. Loosen up a bit." I laughed at myself

"Y/n you're very pretty." Tom complimented

"Aweeee." Star says

"Weren't you just head over heels for Star? Boy make up your mind. Don't be so....easy"

He chuckled nervously a bit butt hurt on that comment. "I- well damn"

"I never seen Tom nervous before." Marco nudged Tom, although that was a complete lie, he was so nervous when he asked Star to hang out. I bet Marco just wanna Tom off his girlfriend's back, so I'm definitely being used right now.

"For real for real. This is a first." Star added to the complete lie.

"S-shut up." Tom replied, shaking his head in response, putting the rose he had back into his pocket. Since, Star never took the rose of course.

Tom x reader (lemon included) Where stories live. Discover now