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Chapter 4

[ L O R E N ]

The first period flew by as quickly as the second period, however, there were times where it felt like it dragged on for eternity. Staring at the clock, a yawn escaped through my lips.

It was Monday and I was not in a mood for anything, so I sat in the back of the classroom with Brooke where no one would notice me. Then again, no one ever did since I always kept to myself.

The third period was Biology and it felt like a blur, especially since it was with Lucas and Brooke. Our teacher was very insipid when it came to talking about Biology, however, he droned on monotonously about a topic we always covered in lessons - sex-ed. Brooke, and Lucas and I would make comments about this and laugh among ourselves.

English was nothing but boring since all we did was read 'To Kill a Mockingbird' to ourselves quietly. Our English teacher isn't here, and the substitute teacher was very austere. We discovered this by the fact that one person in our class thought it would be funny to talk back to her, and had got detention immediately. So I sat in tedious agony throughout the lesson - I had already read this book before and my heavy eyes threatened to close. This class was pure torture.

And now, here I am in the cafeteria with Brooke who is eating a chicken salad.

I sit alongside Blake and Thomas who are considered to be one of the class clowns. They always play UNO each chance they got and I always play a few games here and there.

'Loren, pick four cards.' Thomas states as he puts down a plus four card.

I quirk an eyebrow at him, 'Well actually, you need to pick,' I put down a plus four card making Thomas gasp, 'eight cards.'

I chuckle, 'I'm finished. I beat you ha.'

Thomas retort, 'Well, you can't end with an offensive card.'

I smirk, 'No one said anything about that.'

I felt someone plop down beside. When I look beside me, I notice Harvey looking at me with a small grin, my smile slowly dropping realising he is in my school also sitting next to me.

'Hi.' he says simply.

'Uh what are you doing here?' I reply awkwardly, looking over at Brooke who nudges me, looking very confused.

'Well, I was hungry. I didn't want to go to Nando's again,' he smirks, staring at my ocean blue eyes as he picks some fries and stuffs it in his mouth.

I roll my eyes, 'Eat what you want,' as I give him the bowl with some fries, 'but i want you out of here after the bell rings!'

'I will, Loren!' he muffles, eating the fries in his mouth.

The school bell finally rang as me and Luna got up. I lean to Harvey's ears and can only whisper two words before leaving the cafeteria, 'Please go!' After finishing the last word, I pat his shoulder and left.

He smirks, 'See you later Lor.' as he walks to the door.

I chuckle a little, I actually like him being around in my school and the fact he sneaked in without anyone realizing. That was a smart move.

I leave the cafeteria with Brooke as we arrive on our next and final class of the day together.

We walk arm in arm per usual, socializing a bit with Lucas who has class in the same area as we then continue heading to our class.

'Speak of the devil,' I mutter to Brooke, spotting Geo casually standing against a wall.

Geo and I were a couple for a few months until his behaviour changed. He would make me change the clothes I was wearing as he thought it looks too revealing. I got super mad and we started arguing a lot. Somehow he lost his temper and became really abusive. He would beat me up and leave me lying on the floor with a bleeding arm.

Brooke tightens her grip on my hand then let's go, throwing her arm over my shoulder and practically dragging me down the halls, past Geo who barely has a chance to reach out for me to pull me into a hug. I look away before he catches my eye, then once we've walked past him, Brooke lets me go.

By the second floor, the bell had rung and we were still panting and heaving for breath. We had drag ourselves up to the final two flights of stairs. And although it was about 8 steps each, it still wore us out. Especially in the scorching sun that made us sweat even more.

Eventually, we made it to History, our teacher hardly giving us a glance as he was just putting in our attendance into the computer.

The class dragged on, doing nothing but useless worksheets and to find our answers in a book. However, me and Brooke always finished first because we always found the answer keys online on our phones.

Brooke and I hardly spoke in that class, since there was nothing to do and our teacher was more of a social butterfly with the students than an actual teacher. We hated this class so much, it was unbearable.

It was ten minutes before the final bell rang and I was putting away my things, practically throwing them into my bag when my phone vibrated twice. I shoved my history binder and notebook into my bag before picking my phone and finding two messages.

Harvey: see you in 10 minutes.

Harvey: i'm outside.

I roll my eyes, smiling. The bell finally rang and I slide past countless swarming bodies begging to escape this place. But I took my time, taking quick easy steps down the stairs with Brooke catching up behind me.

By the time I reach the second floor, the halls were cleared and it was easier for us to exit the building. We went out through the doors behind the stairs on the first floor since everyone always bombarded the main doors and it took even longer for everyone to clear out.

Me and Brooke waste no time leaving school and practically running to the parking lot spotting Lucas opening his door.

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Ooo what do you think will happen next? I really appreciate all the love you gave for this story. I actually enjoyed writing these!
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my brother's best friend || larvey *NOT WRITING*Where stories live. Discover now