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You're lying in bed, the clock beside you reading 12:48 PM. You roll over onto your stomach and smile as you text your boyfriend, Namjoon.

You: I miss you so much. Come home already. 🙄🙄

Him: I literally left two days ago, Y/N. If we can make it through two weeks, we can make it through a couple more days ☺️

You sigh knowing that he's right.

You: Ugh. Remind me to request days off next time so I can come along.

Him: I would absolutely love that. You'd love this city. I wish we could explore it together.

You: 😢 Thanks for making me feel lonely. Definitely something I wanted to feel right before bed. 🙄

Him: Don't be like that, Y/N. You don't have to feel lonely when I'm always in your heaaaaaart! 😘

You almost throw your phone across the room. You can't handle his adorable, goofy self.

You: Stop. Going to give me nightmares tonight with your horrible attempt at stealing my heart. 😷

Him: Ha, here, I'll send you a picture of me to keep your mind in a happy place.

He sends you a picture and you almost squeal with happiness. His goddamn dimple makes its appearance and you swoon. You're so lucky to have him and you know it.

You: Eh, I guess you're okay looking. Like a good solid 6/10.

Him: Y/N. HOW. DARE. YOU. Even Jin Hyung said that was at least a solid 8.5.

You can't help but giggle, imagining him suddenly pouting at his phone.

You: 🙄🙄 Well tell him to keep his hands and eyes to himself.

Him: I can't promise that, ha 🤭🤭 Just kidding. I have to go now, we're moving to another set.

You: Okay, guess I'll sleep now and have nightmares of that horrible image you sent me 😷

Him: Sweet dreams, Y/N. I love you. See you soon ❤️

You: See you in my nightmares ❤️

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