Chapter 8

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Heather stumbles to her feet and immediately slips her hand into her inner pocket to pull Kleintje out.

"Are you okay Klein?"

The small floral colossus nods and hides his face in Heather's palm, quivering in fear.

"I am Groot."

Groot offers his palm to Heather and in response Kleintje holds his arms out to him. Heather sighs and places Klientje into Groot's large and steady hand.

"Tell me about it," Rocket says bitterly, kicking a piece of rubble.

Heather kneels down to Rocket's height.

"Let me guess, he's your best friend, roommate and provider of adequate mental stability?" she asks.

Rocket nods with an amused smile.

"I personally wouldn't worry too much, I don't think this is permanent. They just missed . . . having contact with another member of their species I guess."

Rocket nods again.

Heather can hardly believe how calm she's being despite the circumstances. It feels like the calm you get before a tsunami of panic.

Gamora storms out of the destroyed building with Peter hot on her tail (I didn't even realise he'd left).

"How could I think Tivan could contain
whatever was within the Orb?!" she seethes.

"What do you still have it for?" Rocket demands.

"What are we gonna do, leave it in there?" Peter retaliates in panic.

Ah, here the tsunami comes.

"I can't believe you had that in your purse!" Rocket exclaims, pointing at the orb in Gamora's hand.

Heather starts pacing anxiously.

"It's not a purse, it's a knapsack!"

"We have to bring this to the Nova Corps." Gamora says. "There's a chance they can contain it."

"Are you kidding me? We're wanted by the Nova Corps. Just give it to Ronan!" Rocket declares wildly.

"So he can destroy the galaxy?!" Peter and Heather say together, however Heather's voice is filled with more frantic hysteria than Peter's.

"What are you, some saint all of a sudden? What has the galaxy ever done for you? Why would you wanna save it?"

"Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!" Peter yells.

"Peter, listen to me. We cannot allow the Stone to fall into Ronan's hands. We have to go back to your ship, and deliver it to Nova," Gamora almost begs.

"Right, right, okay. I think you're right . . . or we could give it to somebody who's not going to arrest us, who's really nice for a whole lot of money. I think it's a really good balance between both of your points of view."

Heather can't help but laugh disdainfully at the idea. Gamora, however, turns to anger rather than incredulity.

"You're despicable. Dishonorable. Faithless!"

Her words hang in the air before being followed by a disappointed, "Oh no."

The rooftop gathering all turn to see what Gamora is staring at.

". . . Fuck." Is all that leaves Heather's lips.

The quintet leg it through the rubble of Tivan's collection into the street where Drax stands triumphantly with a dagger in each hand.

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