Chapter 10

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The mini-meeting disappates quickly, with most members leaving hurriedly to get ready, leaving Heather and Peter alone in the room together. He turns to face her with a strained smile on his face.

"Ready to go?" he asks her.

Heather nods. "But first."

She holds out her arms and Peter smiles for real this time. He crosses the room quickly to sweep her into a hug.

"You give the best hugs," Heather says, smiling into Peter's shoulder.

He squeezes her in reply.

"Are you ready now?" he asks, releasing her.

She nods and they start walking briskly down the corridor together hand in hand.

"So . . . you named your ship after me, huh?" Heather teases.

"You and Alyssa Milano!" Peter says quickly.

"Ah yes, how could I forget? Peter Quill's great childhood crush," Heather says grandly.

"I missed you so much, y'know Heather?"

The suddenness of the statement makes Heather's hands clam up and her heart race.

"I missed you too, so, so much. It was so odd living daily life on Terra without you. Everything felt so . . . incomplete." Heather sighs deeply. "Damn it Quill, if you make me cry before the big battle I'll be so pissed."

Heather quickly wipes a stray tear from her face before Peter notices it, he squeezes her hand in reassurance before quickly changing the subject.

"So, you heal quickly. How did that happen?"

"I have no idea. I was around 17 years old when it started happening. I was on a mission with Yalenchka and her crew and I accidentally sliced the palm of my hand open on my Swiss Army knife. It was gone without a trace a month later, no scarring, nothing. It's getting faster and stronger too. I got caught in a fight, glass bottle straight into the guts-" Peter's grip suddenly tightens dramatically- "they completely sealed back up before the ambulance managed to get there."

"That's awesome."

Heather nods.

"Man, I can't wait to catch up properly. There's a huge gap in our relationship that needs filling," Heather says, traces of longing in her voice.

"I know, it's kinda odd."

The pair reach an intersection and Heather let's go of Peter's hand, "I, uh, need to go to the armory to get better clothes and maybe some more weapons."

"See you on the Milano then?"

Heather nods.

•* ¨*•.¸¸♪•*¨*•.¸¸☆*・゚•。.•*¨*•♬✧

Heather returns to the Milano with a small bag containing a few additions for her battle gear. She hurriedly walks up the ramp into the ship and sets off in a gentle jog to find a room she can suit up in. She takes a sharp right and opens the door she's sure she left the canvas bag Groot lent her on the Kyln in, which has a few other items inside still which she can easily utilise.

Inside the room, Peter sits with his walk-man in hand and headphones on. He turns to Heather and the seriousness on his face suddenly makes Heather feel nervous.

What happened to the happy guy I said goodbye too like five minutes ago?

"Sorry, I was just looking for my canvas bag-" she points at it hanging from a desk- "and a place to get my gear on," she says, holding up the bag she just retrieved from the armory.

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