Chapter 6 | Yoongi

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       Why did I tell him to go? I thought. Ugh he probably thinks I'm weird. He would never kiss me back. Nobody likes me. Nobody would kiss me back.
Still, I wanted more of him. I have to control myself!
But it was weird. The kiss, or even a slight touch by him, gave me so much energy that it seemed unreal. Maybe it was all in my head, but I really didn't seem like it.
       *Knock Knock Knock*
       "Hello? Yoongi?" A muffled voice, that sounded like Namjoon's spoke at the door.
       I flinched at the sound at the knocking, but I replied, "Namjoon is that you?"
       "Yeah it's me. Are you ok?" He asked
Why would he ask if I'm okay? Did something bad happen?
       "Yeah I'm perfectly fine. Why?"
       "Uh.. y-you looked really tired when you passed out on the couch."
       "Yeah, I'm fine. Still a little tired but that's normal..." Why was he stuttering?
       "Okay then. Just checking to make sure. Sleep well."
       "Kay see you."
       "Bye." He said as he walked away from the door.
       I wonder how Jiminie is doing. I already miss him although it's only been an hour.
       My depression really starts to set in when I'm alone, or far away from Jimin. If only he could stay here for the rest of the day.
       The taste of his lips still lingers on my lips. I remember his smooth skin and his soft lips, his messy hair and his deep brown eyes. Ugh how I want more of him.
He probably doesn't think of me that way though. He probably thinks I'm a creep.
But I can't wait to see him again.

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