Chapter Two

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I ran to the seemingly lifeless body of the boy, assuring the panicked dragon that everything was ok. I pulled my bow off from around my chest, tossed it to the ground, and propped my lantern up so that I could get a better view of the boy. His blonde, thin hair was matted and dull with soot. He was lying on his side, so I gently pulled him to where he was now on his back. He was wearing a dark army-green, long sleeve shirt with a fur vest that was now completely singed in some places. He had on dark-brown canvas trousers with a belt that held a dagger on his hip and leather boots that flared right above his ankles. He also wore a necklace made of thick material  that held a pendant in the shape of an upside-down tear drop. The oddly shaped pendant had intricate swirls that trapped a marvelous, golden stone perfectly inside.
After noting his appearances, I began to check his vitals. I started by checking for a pulse, which was beating very weak but still, it was there. Then I made sure he was breathing and, sure enough, he was; They were just abnormally shallow. I also checked his appendages and other bones to make sure there were none that were broken or dislocated. As I was checking his body, I looked for any gashes to make sure he was not losing any large amounts of blood. I didn't see anything except for a few cuts here and there. Finally, I came to the conclusion that he had just passed out when nose diving towards earth so, I decided to just wait for him to wake up.
I still had no idea what caused them to plummet to the earth, why they had been on fire, or what they were doing all the way out here. My town hardly ever got visitors, but I knew tonight was not the time to ask these questions.

An hour passed by, and in that time, I had made a fire and began cooking the rabbit I caught earlier. I knew the boy would need some kind of boost of energy and it was the least I could do. Just as I had been thinking about him, the boy started to stir. A faint groan escaped his lips, and the golden dragon lifted its head with concerned eyes. The boy tried to lift his body into a sitting position but his fatigued arms buckled under his own weight. I quickly ran to him and grabbed his hands to pull him up. His dragon moved its head behind the boy so that he could be propped against its neck.

"Thanks, Alaglossa," said the boy weakly. The dragon just let out a huff as if to say "you're welcome". The boy finally managed to open his eyes; He began examining his surroundings till his gaze fell on me. His eyes were brown, but not just a regular brown. They were a bright, amber color with dark specks of brown that exploded from the pupil. The light from the fire dashed across his gorgeous eyes.

"And who are you?" He asked after I had been awkwardly staring at him without noticing for almost a minute now. I blushed from embarrassment as I finally tore my eyes away from him.

"I'm Felicity. I saw you, from about a mile away, shooting down straight towards earth in a big ball of flames. I finally tracked you guys down. Your dragon was protecting you under her wing when I got here, but she wanted to make sure you were alright. So, she let me come closer and I examined you to make sure you weren't dead or severely hurt. Then, I built a fire and waited for you to wake up," I replied in a demure tone.

"Well thank you, Felicity," he smiled.

Before I could reply, he took a deep inhale of the surrounding air. "What is that amazingly delicious smell?" He asked through an exhaled breath.

"That, my good fellow, is rabbit," I explained, handing him a plateful. I always brought one in my small bag along with a few other necessities in case I needed to make camp or take a break. "I knew you'd need the energy after you'd.. you know.. passed out."

He had already began scarfing down the food I had made. "Did you catch this?" He asked through a mouthful.

"Yes, with my my bow," I replied, lifting it off of the ground from next to me.
The boy stopped chewing. His eyes filled with curiosity, like he was trying to remember something. "The symbol on your bow, I've seen it somewhere," he said, curiosity still all over his face and in his voice.

"Are you sure?" I asked, "That's not very likely because my parents made me this when I was a little girl before they had died."

"Well, perhaps not then," he shrugged.

Another hour went by, and after briefly talking, I told the boy that I had to get back home before my aunt and uncle murdered me. He nodded.

"Will you be here tomorrow?" I asked.

"Probably," he pointed his head in the direction of his dragon, "I think we both need a little rest," he said before standing to his feet and walking towards me. I stood up and he and I took a hold of each other's forearms and shook them simultaneously. (AN: This is the equivalent of a handshake!)

"Thanks again for your help. I will see you again tomorrow?" He asked.

I nodded, "I'll be here around dusk."

"Alright, see you then." He waved a small wave as I looked back at him before heading back towards my house.
AN: How do you guys like it so far?? :)
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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