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Rick's P.O.V

"NO! YOU WILL NOT GO OUT WITH A GIRL AT ALL! YOUNG LAD, DO YOU KNOW HOW DISRESPECTFUL AND DISGUSTING THAT IS, THAT YOU GO OUT WITH A GIRL FOR A WEEK, DATE HER AND NEVER TELL YOUR PARENTS!?!? ARE YOU F'ING SERIOUS?!?!??!" My step-father spat at me, half seething and half-spitting. It was gross, especially since he was eating spaghetti. "Rick, LISTEN TO ME!!! I'M WARNING YOU THAT-" My mother cut him off before that. "Honey, Listen. Go to your room right now and I'll come up to talk to you about this in five minutes, okay? Off you go now. And you, Frank! How dare you shout at my boy like that! Do you have any sense in how to speak with a child!!" My mother yelled. "But, but Marielle-" he started. "SHUT UP, FRANK!!!" My mother was fuming, she slammed the dish on the table and stormed off into the kitchen. That was all I heard after I entered my room and shut it.

I lay on my bed and closed my eyes, thinking what would happen if my mother did not approve and I lost Tina's friendship. The door opened slowly, and in came my mother. It had been over ten minutes, and when I realised, it seemed she had changed her clothes now into a beautiful dress in a rich shade of brown, matching her hair, but contrasting her turquoise eyes. She looked beautiful! "Hey Sweetie! I am so sorry about what happened downstairs. I just-" "Don't worry mum. It was fine, just come sit over here." She sat next to me and looked at me calmly, and I had never felt so relaxed. In those few moments, I felt really happy to be sitting here with my mum next to me. Together. "So, who's this girl? Tina, you said, right?"

I explained everything to her and from time to time she just nodded her head slightly, indicating for me to go on. After I finally finished, she took my hand, and asked me the one question that made my heart leap. "Where does your 'girlfriend' live?" I suddenly got it. I realised why my mum changed her t-shirt and jeans for a dress and put on makeup. We were going to Tina's house, to talk about it. "Get dressed the best you can, honey. We're going to-" "I got it mum!" I said, practically leaping off the bed and motioning for her to exit while I change. I'm SO excited!!

Tina's P.O.V

"Mhm? Whatd'ya say again?" My drunk uncle asked, half leaning on the chair, and half asleep. He was in this position so often because he was drunk all the time, that we all got used to it. "None of your business, Sam! Be quiet and let us speak!" My mother snapped. "Oh, alright you b*tch!" he growled and headed to get more wine. He had started drinking since his girlfriend left him, suspecting he had an affair. "So," my mum started, sitting back down and smoothing out her green gown. "You were talking about a boyfriend, right?" "Yes." I stuttered nervously.

"No relationships until you're 21, darling. How many times do I have to remind you the rules of this family. It's been like this for generations, and I want you to understand how important it is for us." She softly stated. "Well, this love is important for me to!" I almost shouted. "Well, I know you love someone, but your studies are way more important. Especially at this age, Tina. You need to understand that your future will be way better if you focus on this. Trust me, I know." My father spoke for the first time that evening. I sighed heavily and went into my room to change, so we could go to the restaurant for dinner like we did every Friday. I wore a purple t-shirt and some light blue jeans. I let my hair loose and added some basic makeup. Just as I finished putting on my lipstick, I heard the doorbell. "I'll get it!" I shouted.

"OH MY GOD!!! RICK!!! IT'S YOUUU!!" I squealed so loud that both my parents came running straight over to see the commotion. "Oh, well hello. And who might you be?" My mum politely asked as Rick and his mum stood at the door, smiling. "Hello. We were here to talk about Tina and Rick." His mum politely stated in her beautiful honey sweet voice. "Well, come in then." Dad said flatly. They didn't take much notice of that, though. They came in and we all sat down, waiting for someone to break the silence. Rick and I glanced at each other nervously, fidgeting and waiting...


Hey guys! I am sooo sorry! I haven't updated in ages! I just wrote this in the past hour, so I hope you enjoy it, and there are plenty more plot twists to come! We also got a brief look over their families, though I don't want to reveal too much just yet...

Bye! Ash :D

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