Hey guys I think soul eater is one of my favourite animes and I will tell you whyOk so Soul Eater is an anime were some people turn into weapons and some people called meisters wheeled the weapons the and they have to destroy these evil beings kishin. (sorry cant spell) They also have to stop these evil witches and from bringing insanity to the world alongside that principle Lord death.
The main character's are:
Meister maka and weapon soul
Meister blackstar and weapon tubaky
(Bad spelling again sorry)Meister Death the Kid and weapons liz and patty
Kee-chan: the second season of Soul Eater coming out this year 2018 I can't wait

animes you should watch ( in my opinion)
Fiction généralei watch a lot of different anime so if i don't say a anime tell me in the comments k 😏