4. ketchup girl.

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I woke up earlier that I usually do today because I'm a working woman oh yes ,although being a waitress is not the most coloured job but I'll get to work with people,be exposed to a different life and get out of my house .
I had a shower then got to the hardest /most tiring part of my daily routine...... my hair . I have really black hair and a lot of it what makes it tiring is the combing it's beautiful to see people with their natural big hair but the Labour that goes into it is not easy ,today I decided I'll plait the back and tie up the rest on top pretty but professional ,I added a touch of makeup to finish my look before a walked out the door .
My mom was already up when I got to the kitchen,I was her by the stove making pancakes the small was completely mouthwatering .

"Good morning Pumpkin ready for your day ?"

"Yep" I said popping the p

"You look gorgeous we must really braid your hair soon ,well whenever you have time . Eat some breakfast I already made you lunch then I can drop you off and head to work ."

"You the sweetest thank you mommy bear ." I blow a kiss at her ,she was truly the best mother ever !

When I got off my mom's car and headed to the door I spotted green eyes guard I walked towards him trying not to smile like a loon I stood in front of him
"Hy green lantern"
He looked at me with confusion in his eyes .

" Green Lantern??"

"Well I don't know your name and you have green eyes so you are green Lantern."
I saw his mouth create a smile then I heard a small laugh  .

"That's funny but okay I can live with that ,I'm guessing you got the job and do you always give people nicknames Hazel "

"Yes I did thank you ......Hazel ,Well it's not too bad and yes it's my superpower. I'll see you later Green Lantern." I walked away trying to hid the big smile on my face. I made my way to the changing rooms I was shown yesterday ,I changed into my uniform and got right to work . This isn't my first time waiting tables so I had the just of it .

On my lunch break I went back to the changing room to retrieve my lunch which was a chicken mayo sandwich and a bottle of fanta with a note my mom wrote saying I love you pumpkin and just know that I'm proud of you for and I will always be there for you ,I'm your number one supporter and that will never change. XOXO mommy bear.

I couldn't help but smile at it ,like I said my mom us the best !,my thoughts got interrupted by a voice next to me .

"Hey ,I'm Grace we work together and our lockers are next to each other so I guess it's just fate we meant to be friends and now we are ."

I laughed and looked at her she looked serious about what she was saying but also had a friendly smile .
"Hey Grace I'm Bella your bff from the look of things ." She was already eating half of my sandwich and I didn't mind at all , I am low-key hoping we actually become best friends seeing as she's the only friend I have now ,I don't really know if Green Lantern and I are friends yet we must speak about that .

"So Bells what are you doing after work ? A few of us are going to the Roses dinner after work for the Tuesday two day ."

"Well I was just going to head home and what's the Tuesday two day ?"

"You pay for one burger,chips, and coke and get two but it's only from 6-7pm ."

"Sounds great but I don't know hey,I mean I don't know anyone and I don't want to impose ."

"Agg ,just come then you'll get to know everyone,we'll split the bill. Where do you stay ?" Her question rang an alarm in my head reminding be to call the apartment person (I don't know their name honestly.)
"Well I currently like with my mom on by cornerway but I need to call make a quick call if you don't mind ."

"Go ahead I'll just be here drinking your fanta." She looked at me with a huge smile on her face giving me no room to say no or even get mad at her .I took my phone out ,switched it on and was welcomed by a picture of Ted and I ,I rolled my eyes at it making a mental note to remove it . I scrolled by contacts and found the number I was looking for, I pressed on it then put the phone against my ear ,the phone started to ring in my ear and I heard another phone ringing in the background ,I turned to see Grace answering the phone when she said hello I heard her echoing in my ear ,it took me a second to realise that I was calling her ,our eyes met and a great laughter filled the room .

"I told you it's fate " she said with hints of laughter.
"You calling about the apartment right?."

"Yep ,are you always this right ?" I asked her with a sarcastic tone in my voice .

"Of course darling,so when are you moving in ?,I need to know when to start cleaning up the place and put the skeletons back in the closet ."

"Well whenever you'd like me to ."
This had to be one of the best days ever I was going to live with my new found best friend well we not really best friends yet but I have high hopes about it .

"I'll help you move in on Saturday then ." She responded almost immediately.

We spent the rest of our lunch evaluating the staff here and eating Graces lunch which was absolutely delicious.
As I was taking my notepad and pen by the table in the entrance I  noted a group of men walking in ,I was shocked at how it could be humanely possible for a human being to look this gorgeous they were a completely different species I was pretty sure they were genetically modified hence all their best genes expressed . I looked around to see if someone was going to their table but everyone was busy I slowly made my way to their table and stood there not sure if I should interrupt their humours conversation seeing that they were all laughing or if i should walk away and come back later . As I was about to walk away one of the men looked up at me with a sheepish grin on his face like he knows something I don't.

"It's you ,the ketchup girl ." He said with a twinkle in his eyes . Was that because of me or are his eyes always like this ?,, get over yourself Bella  My mind choose the wrong time to have a monologue because this result of genetic modification was waiting for me to respond.

"What do you mean ketchup girl ?" I looked at him with a confused expression on my face .

"Well of course you wouldn't remember since you bumped into me well more like crashed into me then blacked out in the process you were kind enough to stain my shirt with ketchup from your hotdog."

"Oh my word ,I'm extremely sorry about that I'll pay for a replacement for your shirt or dry cleaning or whatever I'm really sorry about that I'm so embarrassed." If my face could go red I'd be flushed right now but that's one of the perks of being dark skinned I guess .

" It's all good don't worry about it what you could do for me is take our orders please." Wait did he just say please WOW I'm too shocked.

When I looked at the rest of the men they were starring at me like I was the new art piece in a gallery I can't say I wasn't flattered but I wonder what they were thinking . I took their orders and made my way to the kitchen and found Grace waiting for her orders as well .

"Don't you have a heck of a creation to serve " she looked at me with a naughty grin .

I laughed before I could respond
"One heck of a creation I tell you and it turns out I have history with the one ." I said pecking through the door to look at him .

"Which one ?,wait let me guess uhmmm.. between the one with the black suit and shortly cut hair or the one with the navy blue suit and longish hair " she was now bending below me and pecking through the as  well.

"Navy blue suit and longish hair." I responded too quickly for my liking.

"Girls come get your orders people will starve to death and you'll just be staring at them ." Said Bob the head chef in the restaurant. Grace and I smiled at each other and went to get our orders .
I carefully walked back to the table making sure I'm extra careful I wouldn't like to be clumsy especially today .

I place their orders on the table and ask the routine question " Is there anything else you would like ?" They all look at me and say "no thank you " at the same time sounding like a choir,I quickly walked away trying to make it look natural and making sure I don't make any eye contact with the any of the species especially the one .

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