Chapter 1.

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She ran for the front door slamming it behind her and stormed across the street to the park, sat on an unoccupied bench. She threw her head in her hands and sobbed trying to calm herself, breathing deeply she was able to stop, unable to cry.

Her name Cordelia Ann Mayhew -or Delia for short- she was only 16 when her father's car was ploughed into by an 18 wheeler killing him instantly. In the year since then her life was never the same. Her mother resented the very sight of her, she looked like her father, too much like her father, she had his dark wavy hair, the same deep green eyes, the same nose turned up at the tip, the same everything. Though she took her father's features they were famine and delicate on her heart shaped face, it suit her well, she was a strangely beautiful. Before her father died, when she had a life she cared for, she was one of the most desired girls in her collage, but none of the mattered now, she never had company of others, she had even allowed her greatest friend leave her, James.

Her mother avoided her at all cost if they were ever in the same room for a moment too long they'd find something to scream about. Her mother, Karen slept while Delia was at school and she'd be gone by the time Delia returned.

Delia pushed her head from her hands. As she looked around the park, past all the children playing with their loving parents, Delia noticed a small girl with blonde hair cascading down to her waist, she sat by herself on the swing set, dragging her feet along to dirt. All the other children seemed to shy away from her as if she didn't belong, perhaps she too was an outsider Delia thought, but that was impossible there were no outsiders among 6 year olds. But then maybe she had been left behind.

Delia rose from her bench, pulled her hair from her face and approached the girl, was like a porcelain doll all small and pale, plump pink lips, round blue eyes, her curly hair swung behind her, her thin legs dragged along the ground the toes of her sandals caked in dirt. She didn't look up as Delia took the swing next to her.

'Hello' Delia said, the girl looked up at her, her blue sad eyes connecting with Delia's.

'Hi' she replied glumly.

'Are you lost?' Delia asked, the girl shook her head, she looked over to the road, Delia followed her gaze to see what she was staring at, a silver car sat idling on the curb, a young man possibly in his early 20's stood against the car and he was looking in her direction.

'Is that your dad?' Delia asked knowing he couldn't have been. He was too young; they looked nothing alike the man had tan skin while the girl was pale like a ghost. He had dark hair and hers was almost as white as her skin.

'No' she giggled looking back at Delia before jumping from her swing.

'Bye' she said sweetly. She turned and walked away there was a bounce in her step. She walked straight past the young man who followed her with his eyes. He turned back to Delia; he looked confused as Delia looked at him he started looking intently at the crowd.

She felt self conscious for a moment then rose from her swing intending to walk to the bench but passed it completely she had no idea why she kept walking towards the man but she did as she got closer he looked younger then she originally thought, maybe he was her age maybe a little older.

The boy was watching the crowd still he hadn't noticed her approach. 'Say something Delia' she thought. He looked kinda upset or angry, 'Ok go for something funny' she noticed the car he was driving was a Lamborghini, nobody from her town would a car that good unless they wanted it stolen.

'Hey, nice car, who'd you steal that from?' his head snapped down to her, she stumbled while trying to step away. "Maybe that was the wrong thing to say" obviously not speaking to people her age had had a negative effect on her sarcasm; she wondered when that would come back.

'It's not stolen' he replied coldly.

He seemed to have taken that a little too seriously, "Oh crap I'm talking to a criminal." She eyed him suspiciously. Her brain told her to walk away, but she couldn't something about the boy kept her in place, even as he continued to glare at her.

'I was joking about the car you know' She amended 'it's just you look kind of angry. Are you alright?'

He looked down at her, his face was hard but he was no longer glaring 'Do you always talk to angry strangers?'

'No.' She sighed, he quirked an eyebrow. 'So are you cool?'

'Yes' he smirked, 'I'm fine' she smiled and looked at the ground.

'This car is amazing by the way' she lifted her hand as if to stroke the glossy paint job but let it drop back to her side. 'So if you didn't steal it' she paused to smile teasingly at him 'then you must be new in town.' She finished.

'And what makes you think that?' he asked, smirking again.

'Cos driving a car like this' she gestured to the car like a show girl on a game show 'Is like walking around town with a giant target on your back.' Rich boys didn't have it easy in this town.

'And if I'm just visiting?' he asked a smile playing on his lips.

'Then I suggest you get in your car and put this place in your rear-view mirror' she said half joking but mainly serious.

'Thanks for the warning. 'He chuckled.

'I'm serious,' she told him 'Some bad stuff goes on round here.'

'I sure I can handle it, can you?' he nodded towards her house.

'I don't know what you mean.' She was surprised she hadn't noticed he had been here to see her come to the park, surely she would have noticed the big silver car. Cars were her thing.

'Sure you don't.' He was smug about it she thought, but when she looked up at him he was angry. They both fell silent.

Delia broke the silence 'so the car...?'

He glanced back at it, 'A gift....from my father' he paused 'Do you know much about cars?'

'Just what my dad taught me, he and I used to spend almost every afternoon fixing up this old Chevy Impala,' she sighed 'It was great.'

'Do you two spend still hang out?' he asked.

'No.' She said hopelessly, 'He died over a year ago.' She looked away from him now; she hated the look people gave her when she spoke of him, like she would break down into a million pieces. It wasn't like that, it was upsetting of course but there were no more tears for that.

'Sorry' He said quietly.

'Why? It's not your fault.'

'How did it happen? If you don't mind me asking.'

'Car accident.' She didn't elaborate, this was the uncomfortable thing for her, and she didn't know much information about the crash. She felt stupid that she didn't really know. It wasn't something she wanted or needed to know, the facts weren't going to change what happened.

He just nodded his face impassive.

'I'm Delia by the way Delia Mayhew' she extended her hand to him but he didn't take it.

He looked down at the outstretched hand 'Cal' he mumbled, her hand fell away and swung awkwardly by her side before she stopped it.

'So... What brings you to town?' She asked but his face went hard once more, like she'd unconsciously stomped on his foot. He didn't reply, 'It's OK. It's none of my Buis-' She stopped abruptly as he pushed himself off his car and sat back in the driver's seat 'Business' She finished quietly, She turned away from the car and returned to her bench.

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