The king's fantasy: the prequal.

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30 years had passed since Daniel had been put in prison and 30 years since Eric planned the March for Equality.

Daniel had other ideas for his life, The day of his release came closer and he thought to himself, he said "Maybe he is right, maybe equality is a good quest , I'll tell ya what i'll join his march when i get out of here".

so the guard over heard him and let him go becuase it was such a jump from criminal to goody two shoes in 30 years.

He went back to the castle and by the time he got their his brother was already king and his fathar had already died unfortunatly.

So the kingdom had lost a great ruler and had been re-placed with a better one or thats what the people thought.

As Daniel approached the castle gates the guards in the tower spotted him and said "is'nt that Daniel, Shit yeah, FIRE!!!!!!!!!!"

Daniel heard that the captain orderd his troop to fire and then he took cover behind a rock until the ceas fire had been put in order, He started to shout that thats its Daniel to see his brother the king about the march that he interupted.

Eric had heard about this and orderd a immediate cease fire and let him speak the words he wanted to say.

Eric did'nt beleive him but he had to as his dad said "it takes a villain to become a villain", But Eric had other ideas and let him into the castle and allowed him to speak about him changing and wanting to organise the march himself and make all the kingdom join in with the march to the kingdom oppisite the north village near Lucozadia.

the villagers didnt want Daniel to organise it but Eric had let him anyway and he managed to organise it himself and got it underway.

As the villagers were on there way to the village near lucozadia, But there was a problem with that idea he wanted to go through the roughest part of all the country Eric had spotted this dilema and headed back to the castle in retreat, Daniel had noticed that Eric had gone back to the castle but he carried on with the march for equality.

They were approaching the village and the had arrived in the nick of time because the gates had closed as they enterd soo they had to stay the night and leave in the morning.

The following morning they had left the village and returned back to the castle and Eric was the at the gate to meet them in the fort and he didnt beleive that he had done it but he had, He managed to change from foe to friend and complete the march for equality.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2012 ⏰

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