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     The rain comes to a halt in the hours before dawn, and when sunrise arrives, it dries much of the moisture clinging to the pelts of the cats that have held vigil for the lost WillowClan cats

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     The rain comes to a halt in the hours before dawn, and when sunrise arrives, it dries much of the moisture clinging to the pelts of the cats that have held vigil for the lost WillowClan cats. Stonetail is particularly glad of her short coat as the air warms; she can feel the damp crawling away much sooner than Featherstar or Rivershine, whose thick pelts sag with the weight of the water they've trapped. Even Streamheart suffers a while longer, soaked through. But there are worse things than wet fur, like losing Clanmates to disaster, and the grey tabby finds it hard to look at the two WillowClan she-cats with their heads bowed. One life lost now and again is a trial all Clans face, but the fire sent five cats into StarClan's ranks, if Frogthroat's harsh ramblings are to be believed. Poolfeather, the medicine cat apprentice, was the first, killed when the blazing camp trapped her inside her den. Eelsplash, second of the dead, lost his footing and drowned in the river trying to help Silvertail to the safer shore; the elder followed shortly, too feeble to finish the crossing alone.

     Stonetail thanks StarClan she did not have to witness these ends, but others remain with her, all too clear. Webfeather's shriek still rings in her ears, and though she never saw the apprentice, the mere idea of Toadpaw left behind in the circle of burning pines makes her stomach twist with revulsion. He died alone, most likely. The chances are slim that his mother was able to reach him before the fire reached her.

     And that leaves Mistpaw an orphan. As Featherstar softly asks the ShadeClan warriors for a moment of peace, Stonetail itches to slip into the elders' den, to be sure the little apprentice hasn't left the world in pursuit of her family. According to Brightface's tales, it is possible for cats to die of a broken heart.

     It is also possible for cats to grow aggressive and wild to protect their broken hearts. Thinking of the WillowClan warriors that line the walls of the elders' den, Stonetail decides to keep her concerns to herself for the time being. There is no need to step on toes or tails to find out if Mistpaw has survived the night; she will either leave the den on her own four paws, or she will be carried out, and that is all there is to it.

     "We need to tell them what happened." Streamheart's voice brings Stonetail's focus back from its wanderings.

     "Tell who?"

     Streamheart flicks her ears at the den they have come to know rather well over the last few days. "Coal and Clay. They need to know who these strange cats are, and why they're here."

     "They also need to know that they're moving." Greystar pads up behind her warriors, tail trailing loosely in her wake and shoulders slumped from their usual rigid position. With a hint of a sigh, she says, "Featherstar and her cats will be more comfortable if they have a den to call their own. Please move the loners to the warriors' den before sunhigh, if you will."

     For the first time, it is Streamheart who raises protest. "The other warriors don't trust them. I don't think they'll be safe–"

     "Move them," Greystar interrupts her. There's a brief return of her imperious posture, but she glances over at Featherstar and Rivershine with their heads bowed, then deflates. "Before sunhigh. That is all I ask. If there is trouble, I will deal with it myself."

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