Twelve: a demon's rage

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I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its only characters. As they are owned by Tite Kubo. This story is completely my own idea as it will be an IchiHime love story. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes/translations), hollows/demons speaking, italics attacks

Twelve: a demon's rage

Orihime tried to crawl over to where Ichigo laid but, Yammy picked her up squeezing her in large hands.

"Now that the moon brat is out of the way, how about we kill her next?" Yammy asked Aaroniero.

"Excellent idea Yammy." grinned Aaroniero. Orihime gasped out in pain as Yammy kept swatting his tail to make sure that the moon and sun people stayed down.

"Ichigo...... Help me......." Orihime cried out. This caused the Hollows to laugh.

"He can't help you now sun princess." they laughed. Suddenly a wild burst of dark power surged forth as the Hollows turned to see the moon prince in his full demonic form on his feet.

"Impossible! I drained you dry and Yammy's blast should have killed you!" growled out Aaroniero. Before the Hollow army could move to attack, the demonic form of Ichigo moved cutting Orihime free from Yammy's grasp and cut his tail off freeing the people that was trapped underneath. Orihime began to treat everyone's wounds with her healing power as the demon placed the group together. The demon Ichigo then moved grabbing a hold of Yammy and threw the monstrous Hollow away from the palace.

"Impossible!" yelled out Aaroniero as he knew that there was no way that Ichigo could have tossed Yammy like he was a rag doll. "Kill him!" Aaroniero yelled out. The black katana formed in the demon's hand as he moved becoming a blur killing off Hollows left and right. The last to be killed off was Aaroniero as the demon destroyed the glass tube that held the twin balls. The skull balls fell to the ground as the demonic moon prince stomped on the balls killing Aaroniero instantly. The demon turned when he heard and felt thunderous footsteps heading his way. Yammy came charging back as the nodes on his arm were transformed into razor sharp spikes.

"Bastard! I am going to kill you!" roared out Yammy as he ran his monstrous body into the demon. The creature stood its ground as it didn't seem to budge an inch when Yammy ran into it. Yammy tried to punch the demon with his large fist but the creature caught Yammy's hand with its own as the creature let out a low deep snarl. Dark energy rippled around the creatures sword transforming the sword into pure energy. The demon brought up the sword cutting the monstrous Hollow completely in half. The demon let out a loud booming roar before it turned its attention towards Orihime whom was still healing the injured. Most of their wounds had been fully healed as Orihime kept them in the healing barrier, she rose to her feet to face the demon. She noticed Ulquiorra had quickly appeared from a rift as he stopped Orihime from going over towards the demon.

"Stay back Princess. I don't think that Lord Ichigo is in control of himself right now. Let me try to get him back." stated Ulquiorra. Orhime shook her head.

"I know that he won't hurt me Ulquiorra. I don't know how to explain it but, it seems that the demonic form of Ichigo knows whom is a friend and who is a foe. Please let me try first as I feel that I can reach him." Orihime replied. Ulquiorra nodded his head as he allowed Orihime to approach the demon. The demon didn't move as Orhime approached it.

"Ichigo...... Please come back. Everyone's safe. The Hollow's have been killed off. Your people still need you, I need you. So please come back to us." Orhime stated as she touched the demon's face.

Orihime stood on her toes as she gently kissed the demon's mouth

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Orihime stood on her toes as she gently kissed the demon's mouth. Tears lightly shimmered in Orihime's eyes. "Please Ichigo...... Come back to me. I love you." she whispered. As Orihime went to take a step back, she felt the demon grab her. Parts of Ichigo's demonic form began to crack as the demon's form began to ripple as so the creature's sword. The demon let go of Orihime as he took a step back away from the sun princess snarling out in pain as his body underwent a startling transformation.

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