Never did I EVER think I would find myself in the arms of the one person I couldn't stand. But then again, when do i ever think?
Gracie Williams had her fair share of pain, moving away for a fresh start all she wanted was to stay out of trouble, but...
Ughh, you know those dreaded days when you have to wake up early? Yeah it's one of them days, school. Why do we even have it? Teachers just made it to torture innocent children with the long one hour lessons and even worse they get paid for making our lives hell!! How unfair is that?! Note to self: Never become a teacher.
I finally brought myself out of my cozy bed dreading the day ahead of me. Today is my first day of senior year and I need to make a good first impression of myself at my new school. All I have to do is knuckle down and make good friends to get me through.
I made my way downstairs for breakfast seeing my brother eating a plate of pancakes. "Hey Noah." "Hey Gracie, is my little sister ready for her first day of school today?" Noah asked. Me and Noah have really good relationship, we barely argue and when we do it's debating on whose older, he's my twin brother and I love him really. "Ready as I'll ever be I guess, oh and bro, your younger than me." I replied "Whatever helps you sleep at night lil sis" He laughs
I roll my eyes grinning slightly and looked around, spotting my mum at the stove flipping pancakes. "Hey mum, how was your sleep?" I asked. "Hi sweetie, I slept like a baby, what about you?" "Fine" I lied through my teeth, ever since the incident 6 months ago I've never had a good night night sleep. Grabbing my plate of pancakes i set them down on the table avoiding Noah's eyes knowing he can see right through my lie. I quickly shoved them down whilst texting some old friends from California updating them with what's going on and telling them New Jersey is a great place. After finishing i run back up the stairs and think about what to wear. Finalyy deciding I put on a pair of white ripped skinny jeans and a light pink cropped sweater. I slipped into my all white adidas flux's and made my way back downstairs.
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I decided to walk to school today so I quickly told Noah that i wasn't going to carpool with him and rushed out not wanting to be late.
"Hey babe, how's it going?" I turn around at the unfamiliar voice to become face to face with 2 brown haired guys, 'wow, they're hot' I thought to myself. "H-hi" stupid stutter "So what's pretty girl's name?" The slightly shorter one asked whilst the other rolled his eyes.
'What's his problem, must have woken up on the wrong side of bed today then' I took my time to answer debating whether i should carry on with this conversation or not, finally deciding to just answer I took a deep breath, unconsciously tugging on my sleeves to make sure my wrists are covered. "Gracie" I answered, "Gracie Williams" The short one smirked whilst the other stared at my sleeves asif he was as if he had the ability to look through the thin cloth and see the scars. 'What's up with him' Finally he tore his eyes away from my wrists giving me a better view of him. He had tanned skin, brown hair and a sharp jawline. To put it lightly he was fit. Like really really fit. He wore a white top with black skinny jeans and to top it all off he was wearing a leather jacket. Coming out of the daze I made eye contact with him and he raised his eyebrow catching me practically eye raping him and smirked. To this I rolled my eyes but my cheeks warmed up nonetheless. Urgh typical fuckboy, he looked suprised at my actions but quickly covered it up with a blank expression. I tool another deep breath, "What are your guys names?" I cautiously smiled. "I'm Carter and this dickhead is Aiden he said pointing to the greek god I was eye raping just now. "So where are you off to?" Carter asked "School" I said keeping my answers short. 'I don't know these people' i thought to myself, you never know what could happen. "Oh, your new around here?" Aiden finally spoke for the first time since we encountered "Yeah, just starting out today acctualy, Kingston High" I mumbled. "Cool, we go there too, so we'llsee you around?" Carter grinned "Yeah maybe" I laughed.
He seems pretty cool, I dont know about aiden though, he didn't talk much, oh well, we'll see. "Bye guys" I waved "Bye Grace" Carter said walking off. "Grace? Don't call me that" I joked He turned around with his hands in the air, "whatever you say, Grace Face," He laughed before turning back around.
I chuckled, he seems sweet. Sweet funny an good looking? Why was god so genorous with him? This is so unfair.
On the way to school my mind kep going back to Aiden, he was so good looking. So was Carter, not as good as Aiden but they both seem like typical fuckboys, but ive always been told never to judge a book by it's cover.
Realizing I reached here I walked over to the closest girl who was fumbling through her bag at her locker to ask her where the office was to collect my time table.
"Um, hey I'm Gracie and im kinda new here so i was wondering if maybe you could show me where the office is so i can collect my timetable?" "Hey I'm Jessica, but you can call me Jess, yeah sure just follow me." She smiled. I like her she seems really friendly, "Hey, you can sit with me at lunch if you want? There's another girl, my bestfriend, she'd love you!" Jess squealed. "Yeah sure, I'd love too!" I laughed whils she grinned.
I quickly grabbed my timetable greeting the receptionist. "Let me see wahat classes youve got" Jess said. I handed here my timetable for her to examine. She squealed again, "We have ALL our classes together, OMG!!" She cheered. "That's great! Atleast ill have someone i know!!" I laughed, wow i forgot how good i was to laugh, I've not laughed this much in a long time. "Well let's go to class, we've got maths with Miss Mckenzie first, total bitch but you'll get used to her." She rolled her eyes at the mention of her math teacher.
I let her link her arm with me and drag me to the math block. Today is gonna be an intresting day.