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Harry's point of view

It was always as amazing to see the crowd singing so loudly songs that I had written, so unbelievable that people actually listened to something that I had created.

Even after for being eight years in the show business, I still couldn't get my mind to understand how many people actually there was that would take their time to see me.

The show goes by in no time, and I walk backstage feeling tired but happy.

I can't stop thinking about Edward, it might seem like I didn't care but I did.

The night he had showed to the bus, I had been extremely worried about him, I still was.

Yes he might be stuck up and annoying and what else sometimes, but he's my brother, I wanted him to be safe.

Maybe I had acted too hard on him yesterday? We had only spoken few words today. I wish he could open up about what ever reason he had that had brought him here.
I knew he didn't just "come to see how I was doing" as he had said.

I walk to the bus and only see Edward, sitting on the couch. I look around wondering where Brie was.

"Where is-"

"Shhhh" Edward shushes me pointing at the bunk.

"She's sleeping?" I mouth

Edward nods. And I nod slightly back like saying that I got it.

I sit next to Edward, now would be perfect time to try to get more information out of Edward, since Brie was sleeping so no one could start the voice raising competition.

"Edward, I'm sorry, I should've understood that maybe you didn't wanna talk about your situation, I'm happy to see you." I start

And Edward puts his finger on his mouth reminding me to whisper.

"No your not." He sighs.

"Yes, I am." I argue.

"Look, we don't need to pretend like we get along, I'm getting out of your way as soon as I can and before that I promise to be invisible."

"I'm not pretending, I care about you, you're my brother, and I wanna know that your actually okay."

"Thanks.. I'm fine." Edward looks down awkwardly.

"I would really like to know what's going on your life?" I try subtlety slide towards the why are you here – question.

"Nothing. That's why I'm living in my brothers bus like a fucking loser."

"Please just tell what happened? Do you need money?" I ask.

"No, I'm not here to take your money. I just needed a place to stay for few days or so."

"Where were you before you came here?" I ask desperate for answers.

"Just around the city, here and there." He shrugs his shoulders.

I sigh giving up on questioning, since clearly I won't get any answers.
If Edward doesn't wanna talk, I can't force him.

Edward's point of view

I didn't wanna tell Harry about my situation, he would just judge me and probably yell or some shit.
Lying for like half of my life had thought me the ability of dodging questions I didn't want to answer.


I have hit the low point. I'm 23 years old and I am moving back to live with my mother.

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