What They're Like During Arguments

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Levi: He speaks in a calm voice, but you can hear the anger behind it. He can be snarky, but usually tries to clear up the conflict in a straightforward manner.

Eren: He yells. Very loudly. He's very stubborn, and oftentimes won't even consider your side of the story until he has calmed down. 

Armin: He tries to ease the emotional tension between you two, but also tries to be logical about resolving the conflict; it's rather stressful for him, and he can end up crying if the argument is too heated. 

Jean: He yells often (but not as loud as Eren, thankfully), but usually tries to clear up the conflict in a straightforward manner, unless you take a shot at his ego, in which case he'll start insulting you. 

Erwin: He stays composed for the most part, and methodically resolves the conflict. 

Reiner: He tries his best to restore the peace; there's not much more to say than that. 

Hanji: She becomes very assertive when she's angry. She'll come up with a bunch of points to support why she is right, and make sure you understand them, until the conflict is resolved. 

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