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Deja POV* I cant believe It. They're Related?! So His uncle Have been Visiting Asking For my Parents. Now i can Finally Have Answers to this secret they've been hiding for so Long*

Sean POV* Uncle Sam? I cant Wrap my Head around it. I've been always Curious of the Mysterious man But now I wish I havent. I need to know whats Going on And FAST because I feel Somethings Gonna Happend that shouldnt

Deja- So your Uncle is the Mystery Man?
Sean- I never Knewbif thats Where Your leading
Deja- Ik you Didn't know Sean
Uncle sam- Im just gonna Leave you Kids at it. Good Bye.
Deja- Umm you Not going anywhere.
Sean- I need Answers Right now*Leading him in the house*
Uncle sam- What do you Wanna Know?
Deja- What my Parents do?
Sean-And why you keep Sneaking around asking for them?
Uncle sam- Okay One question at a Time. First Your parents are hard Time Drug dealers.
Deaj and Tina- WHAT?!
Uncle Sam- Shhh Let me Finish. They've been Doing This every Since the little One been Born and No they are Not using if thats What you're thinking. They just Sell the Product. The only reason i have Been Coming around is to Check on you 2. They Told me to Keep and Eye and when they Come back they were going to Give me 1Kilo but i havent seen them Since so i feel like They used me. But that's the Reason.
Deaj- WOW
Sean- Yea ik
Uncle sam- Well that's enough story Tie GOOD BYE*Slamming the Door*
Deja- I don't know if i can Hold this in. I have to Ask Why
Sean- No wait dont Say anything until they Mention it to you
Tina- Why though
Sean- Because they'll Know that My uncle Talked and uk what Happens to Snitches
Tati- Yea that's True
Deja- fine we'll keep Quiet
Sean- Come here Deja We need to talk.
Deja- about what
Sean- Come here

Sean POV*I think its My chance I really wanna Loose my Virginity to her. I mean she's Just amazing Like i never felt this Way about anybody. She's showing me different than any other girl Has and Thats what I like about her. Her mind set Isn't just on one this Its On multiple things and Plus she is the First girl I've ever meet to still Be a Virgin at this Age. Maybe God saved her for me and Only me and Im planning to Change for her and Make things Right. Mariah is Way out of the Picture and Its just me and Her Vibing. I understand if she wants To wait But im Ready to show her how much i really love her. I really Love Deja*

Deja- What Sean* Closing the Door*Why couldn't this.... *Interuppted By Sean Kissing Her*
Sean- Deja I think you the One
Deja- Sean I love you
Sean- I love you too
*Continuously Kissing*
Deaj- Sean this Is my First Time
Sean- Mines Too Deja
Deja- Its Just i dont want To ruin it
Sean- What do you Mean? Speak your mind Im all ears
Deja- I don't want you to Walk out on My once i give It away. I dont wanna Get Pregnant at a Young age or anything I just want us to Vibe through this Together
Sean-I promise Im all for you Deja No body isn't going to Change that No matter What. What ever happens tonight it can stay Between us and Only us im Bot that type of Person and Never will be like that Just let me Show you. Please!
Deja- Okay sean But lets Take it slow
Sean-I promise
Deja- Okay
Sean- I love you Deja
Deja- I love you too
*Kissing Passionately*
Deja POV*Am i really About to do this? My heart is going 95 In a 20 right now! Im scared but happy at the Same time. No one ever made me feel like this. I hope he keep his Word*

To Be Continued

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