♡♥Park Chat♥♡ (・'з'・)

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♥Before we start, I'm sorry the chapter was out for long, some things were brought up... And I have a little bit of a delay on the book for a little while, cuz "School" aka Hell.. Sorry♥

♥Fans POV♥
I was walking to the park, just to get a better picture for blogs, I made it 20 minutes later, I sit on the bench and who do I see? Test tube... ♥A/N: Is that funny? No.. Okie..♥ I try not to get noticed by going behind the bench and I continued doing some blog stuff... I forgot my bag was on the bench, and Testy.. I mean Test Tube saw it, "Hmm... Fans Bag... He is here?" Test Tube said, How does she not see me behind the bench? Then.... She looked behind the bench... She sees me... Oh my God... Worst hiding spot ever!

"Oh hey Fan, What are you doing behind the bench?"

"Uhmmm.... Because I am not hiding from.... You?"

♥Test Tube raised a eyebrow♥

"Really.. Do you think I would believe that? Why are you hiding?"

"Uhmmm.... Because I don't want to be noticed?"

♥Fan blushed a little from embarrassment♥

"Right.. I'll see you later"



"Uh.. How about... You stay for a while?"

"I think I got some time... Okay!"

As I put my bag on the grass, I sat on the bench and Test Tube sat next to me.. What am I supposed to do?!

"Soo.. Wanna talk?"

"Sure, what do you want to talk about?"

"So, have you seen how Lightbulb has been acting... Strange?"

"Now that you mention it, I have been seeing weird things.."

"Like when she went to my house she got scared for some reason.. She says she sees something.. But.. I don't see it.. "

"Well.. I could use an invention I made... But it got stolen... "

"Stolen by who?"

"Someone named, "Taiyo" that's Japanese for sun.."

"Oh.. Well... What was in invention?"

"The Dream Teleporter.."

"It sounded like it would be very useful.."

♥Test tube frowned♥

"Its okay Testy"

"What did you call me?"

"Ah! I said Test Tube!! Not Testy, Test Tube!!"

"...hmm.. Are you hiding something?"


"Your hiding something..."

"I am not! Uhh.. I gotta go!!"

"Fan! Wait! You forgot-"

As I ran away, I immediately ran out the park and went home"

♥Test Tubes POV♥
I watch Fan as he ran away. He forgot his bag.. Should I return it? I thought of that until I saw some of Fans hair on his bag, I can tell because it's red, I them slowly grab the hair and put it in a Ziplock bag, "I'm gonna use this for "research"...." As I stand up and grabbed his bag, I thought I would give it back tomorrow, for now.. I got more, "Important" things to do..

♥Question: Did you find a little bit of Fantube in there? ( • ̀ω•́ )♥

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