Chapter 17 - Help

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(y/n) POV

Since I am not allowed to be involved in Uvo's revenge the team decides that Hisoka should take me out somewhere while they deal with the chain user. 

I tied to talk to Chrollo about the chain user and how they could find him, but he kept shooting down my ideas. 

Kurpika better be glad that Chrollo is an idiot, because he would have already been dead by now. Currently sitting in a cafe while Hisoka is explains his plan on fighting Chrollo. 

I look outside the window, smiling at the pouring rain, my gut twist, something is happening to my little brothers. Ignore my gut feeling, I think of Uvo then my fortune.

Death will not come near, as long as you seek

the light of 2 younger deers.

The light of the 2 younger deer are most likely Gon and Killua, and if not them then... my twins. I could already feel my face heat up....'Me with kids!?' 

Actually...that wouldn't be so bad! I would teach them how to kill, bake sweets with them, and maybe get them into yaoi and fanfictions! 

I would be such a good mother~

I send a text to the two trouble makers.

"Be careful. If anything bad happens, i'll always be there."

Once I sent the text, I start to feel at ease, only to get a call from Machi.

"(y/n)! I know I shouldn't be talking to you right now and you shouldn't get involved but I think we need your help! The chain user took the boss an-"

"And your worried about him?"

Then silence, "Yes. Can you help us or give some info that could help us with the chain user? If Pakundo says anything, she'll die. I remember a couple of times you were trying to talk tot he boss but eh kept shooting you down. Was it about the chain user?"

I nod, "Yes. I think I knew what his plan was, or I could at least guess it. But every time I tried to bring it up to Chrollo, he would be a fool and shoot me down. I can't tell you exactly what he can or can not do, but you're smart enough to figure out my hint. Once i'm done destroy the phone so you won't get in trouble. ok?"


"His weapon was common when slavery was around, it can be used to tie up a victim and do worst when you're not around. His emotion control the level of power being used, so if he's revengeful then he'll be after all of you too. Don't take his words to lightly there filled with venom, and don't test his strength because his snake are never forgetful."

"I think this might help! Thank you (y/n)!"

"I always got your back, oh and Machi"

" Yes?"

"When you find Chrollo, ask him out. He can be REALLY dense sometimes."


I hang up the phone finsihing up my hot cocoa. Hisoka stands, interested by my words, "Are you ready for the main event?" 

I stand and smile, "Ready as i'll ever be!" 

Leaving money on the table and we were on our way.

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