Chapter 2: Expectations vs. Reality

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The first thing I saw when I entered the Great Hall was the staff table, which was at the very end of the room. In the middle of all the teachers sat Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster. There were four long tables in front of it, only they were all vertical. The ceiling above us was bewitched to look like the night sky — or, at least, that's what Hermione whispered as we walked in.

Professor McGonagall led us to the staff table. She put a four-legged stool in front of us, and then set the famous Sorting Hat upon it.

And then, as hats do, it came alive and sang a song. When it was finished, everyone clapped, while the other first years and I stood there awkwardly.

Professor McGonagall then pulled out a long scroll.

"When I call your name," she announced, "you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted."

The first person called was Hannah Abbott, who was sorted into Hufflepuff. The next person was Tony Blake, who became a Ravenclaw. The first Gryffindor was a girl named Lavender Brown. After a few more people were sorted, Professor McGonagall got to the G's.

"Granger, Hermione," she shouted.

Hermione rushed up and eagerly put the hat on her head. After a minute or so, it yelled, "GRYFFINDOR!"

I grinned at her as she rushed over to the table cheering for her.

"Jane, Evelyn," Professor McGonagall called out.

I gave Harry and Ron one last nervous smile before I walked up to the stool. My stomach started feeling a little bit queasy as the Sorting Hat was placed on my head.

"Riddle's daughter," a voice whispered in my ear, startling me. "This should be fun. Let's see here... a bit of ambition, somewhat cunning — you remind me of your father—"

I winced and my heart dropped. Hearing that you're like a manipulative murderer doesn't exactly boost your confidence.

"You seem to have his brains as well," the Sorting Hat continued. "Very sharp on your tongue, though, like your mother... but lots of courage and nerve, very loyal — extremely reckless — you're an interesting one, Riddle... but not complicated at all... I know exactly where to put you..."

I held my breath.


Cheering erupted from the left side of the Hall, and I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Professor McGonagall pulled the hat off my head, and I walked over to the Gryffindor table, making sure to give Ron and Harry reassuring smiles on my way over. I sat next to Hermione and Lavender Brown. They both quickly congratulated me before the next person was called — a nervous-looking boy named Neville Longbottom. He was sorted into Gryffindor as well.

A few more people were called — only a girl named Parvati Patil was sorted into our House.

"Malfoy, Draco!" Professor McGonagall said.

"Slytherin," I whispered immediately.

"Definitely," said a red-headed boy who looked to be in third year. He was sitting next to a boy who was identical to him — they must be Ron's older brothers, Fred and George.

"D'you happen to be Ron's brothers?" I said as the hat yelled out Slytherin, to nobody's surprise.

"Unfortunately," said the one who had agreed with me.

I rolled my eyes as the second twin snorted.

"Potter, Harry," Professor McGonagall called, and the room went dead silent.

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