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when jimin got out of the bathroom, he was about to say he looks really good in taehyung's clothes but then he saw the latter sleeping on his bed.

he crouches down to stare at the sleeping boy's face, his closed eyelids, his pretty eyelashes, the tiny mole on his nose, down to his lips. and before he knew it, he was kissing taehyung.


the kiss obviously woke taehyung up. jimin lost his balance and fell on his ass. both their faces were red and eyes wide open.

"did you just...?"


"you little shit! that was my first kiss!" taehyung then started throwing pillows and plushies at jimin and for once in his life, he actually didn't miss even once.

or maybe jimin just let himself get hit.

once taehyung had nothing else left to throw, he was about run the fuck out of his room but jimin tackled him on his bed, pinning down both of his wrists.

"wh-what are you doing?"

the rapid beating of his heart kept him from kicking jimin in the balls so he could run away. in fact, he loved the feeling of being tied down by jimin and the lustful look in jimin's eyes.


"you look so fucking beautiful i could eat you out right now."

at the mention of the word "eat", taehyung's stomach started to grumble once again, thus cutting the thick sexual atmosphere in the air like a knife.

jimin released his grip on taehyung, fell beside him and started laughing.

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