Chapter 15

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That night, Madam Pomfrey reluctantly allowed a shaky Percy Potter attend supper with the rest of the school. By that point, word had already spread of what happened.

It didn't help that when he and Cedric, who was there to make sure he didn't collapse again, walked into the Great Hall, Annabeth rushed towards them.

"What are doing up and about?! You should be back in bed Potter."

Percy merely rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry so much Annabeth," he said exasperatedly. "Madam Pomfrey gave me potions that I can take that won't have any nasty side effects like with muggle pain medication."

"Side effects?" Cedric repeated with a frown.

"Well sometimes some just don't work  well, others have side effects like lash back headaches, nausea, that type of thing."

"That sounds awful!" The pureblood boy exclaimed.

"Eh, it's not that bad once you get used to it. Usually I'd switch medications by now but seeing as I've now got potions to take over the job, I don't have to worry about that anymore."

"Well that's good." Annabeth said, shooting Cedric a look which basically said 'shut up'.

"Yeah, well I'm hungry so let's sit down." Percy suggested, nearly falling as his legs were still shaking from that morning.

As he sat at his table, Annabeth returning to Ravenclaw, a bunch of Slytherin first years started whining and complaining about their heads hurting, some falling on their friends. Cedric muttered for him to ignore it and Percy nearly bent his fork in the attempt.

Luke came in and casually walked along his table towards his friends. He just so happened to hit some of the kids upside the head as he passed and winked inconspicuously at his younger friend as he sat.

The feast was rather uneventful after that, Percy had to return to the infirmary for the night (part of the reason why Madam Pomfrey let him leave in the first place.

The Matron gave him another dose of the potion and sent him off to bed.

"Hopefully we will be able to ease you into one dose a day." She said as she tucked him in snuggly.

"Thank you Madam Pomfrey." He replied.

The stern woman saw the sincerity in his gaze, heard it in his voice, and allowed a small smile to slip onto her face. Percy returned it before burrowing further into the covers.


The shadows closed in on him as the voice crept into his mind.

"I know who you are."

It echoed in his ears as a barren landscape appeared around him. Someone, or something, lurked in the shadows.

"You don't know who I am."

"Don't I?"

Percy glared into the darkness even as he shivered.

"Fine, who am I then?"

"You're a scared little boy who needs a way out."

"You're wrong. I've already been given my way out."

The voice chuckled condescendingly.

"You can't escape your fate. Not without my help."

"I may not be able to escape it, but I can definitely try to change it." Percy said defiantly.

"You will fall, son of the sea. It has been prophesized."

"Well, prophesies are usually self-fulfilling."

"You shall see in time..."

Percy's eyes snapped open as the first rays of light entered the hospital wing.

Sitting up, he massaged his temples. It felt like he'd only slept for about five minutes.

Sighing, he swung his legs over the side of the bed. There was a set of clean robes and a dose of his new potion on the bedside table for him as Cedric had told the Matron about his early morning habits.

It took him three minutes to change, take the potion, and write a small note of thanks with a promise to return that night for the next dose. Then it took another five minutes to get down to the Hufflepuff common room. Two minutes later he was headed for the great hall for breakfast with his bag slung over his shoulder and Cedric at his side.

Apparently his friends had made an effort to get up early because when the two Hufflepuff first years came in, the other three students in their usual group were sitting at their table.

Annabeth smiled as they approached while Fred just rested his head on his hand to keep it propped up. George was just out, head lying on the table as he snored softly.

"How are you feeling Percy?" Annabeth asked once they were close enough.

"I'm alright, had the weirdest dream last night. It feels like I barely slept at all."

The girl frowned but Fred pulled him down into a seat.

"Do me a favour Perce, wake up Georgie." He said through a yawn. "I'm too tired to speak for both of us."

Percy smiled in amusement before kicking the other redhead under the table.

George jolted up automatically.

"What?! What did I miss? Oh, Percy! You're back! Feeling better?"

The raven haired boy chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm good George. Why are you three up so early anyway?"

"Well we wanted to see if you were okay." Annabeth said as she put some jam on her toast. "We weren't sure how long you'd stay here and knew that you always have breakfast early."

"Yeah but how did you get those two out of bed?"

"We talked about it last night after you left." Annabeth replied stoic ally before taking a bite of her breakfast.

"Actually," someone said from behind Percy "she recruited me to drag them down to the common room by their ankles because she knew they wouldn't get up on their own."

Fred glared at Charlie and rubbed at his back.

"And we'll have bruises to show for it for a week." He grumbled.

No one saw Percy tense up as he quickly forced himself not to remember how many times he moved awkwardly around school because he was sore all over due to a beating. Not to remember the bruises that lasted months because more were laid on top.

Shaking himself back into the present, he smiled at the sixteen year old.

"How are you Charlie?"

"I'm alright Perce, can't wait for Care of Magical Creatures next semester. We're gonna be starting on hippogryffs once we get back from break!" He exclaimed excitedly.

The twins rolled their eyes.

"You do know-"

"That it's only-"


"I guess the twins are awake." Silena said as she passed on her way to the Slytherin table, sending a gentle smile to Percy.

"I'll see you later, Tonks and I are going to go down and have breakfast with Hagrid."

"See ya Charlie!" Percy called to the retreating redhead.

Percy turned back to the food on the table but soon recognized the silence that often came with stares. Looking up, he found all four of his friends staring at him.


"Are you really alright Perce?" Cedric asked.

"Yes! I'm fine! Now, do any of you know how Halloween is celebrated at Hogwarts?"

Annabeth grinned.

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