#1: Huge flirt.

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Chapter One: "Huge flirt."

Meghna Vyas. A 23 year old girl with a fair skin tone and long hazel brown wavy hair. A smart and beautiful girl who studied information technology and has a marketing and business degree. The heir to the luxurious Vyas fashion house, an MNC. It was a fashion powerhouse, residing among the top brands in the world. 

A handsome and protective older brother, Roshan who was 4 years older than her. As the oldest, it was expected that he would be the heir but Roshan had different wishes. He was currently one of the best-selling authors in India who goes by the name RV, his initials and has yet to disclose himself to the public. 

Though their father was not going to give in to his writing ambition when he was 17, he had agreed only upon Meghna's offer to take his place as the new heir. With Sanjay, a father who was the chairperson of said company and Meera, a mother who was once a neurosurgeon turned into one of the board of directors in her hospital current day, they were rich. 

Despite her wealth, Meghna was going to work as an employee in an IT company for experience before taking over. At least that was what she said to her father to let her go. 

The actual reason she wanted to do so was to buy some time before she gets swamped up with work and stress by taking over. She wanted to live a normal life, even if it's just for a little.


A horn sounded as the girl rushed out of her house, a toast in her mouth as she slung her bag over her shoulder after yelling a bye to her family. 

Riya Kapoor. A normal Indian girl of a middle-class family. She comes from a family of four where her father was a bank manager, her mother was a house wife while Arvind, her younger brother who was 17 was currently studying. 

Meghna smiled as she saw the girl clumsily hurry down the steps at the door and climb behind her. Riya was her friend from school. Best friends. They stuck around together for almost their entire life before Meghna was sent to the States to do higher studies when she was eighteen. 

Now that Meghna was finally back in India, she applied to the same company where Riya worked and the girls' were beyond excited to be able to spend time together. Though they always kept in touch, having Meghna physically around her always made Riya happy.

"Shall we?" Meghna asked as she passed her a helmet. Riya was all about road safety while Meghna was more of a rule breaker. So Meghna always carried a helmet for Riya. 

"Yep, but you know it would do you good to wear a helmet yourself" Riya said as she clipped her helmet on. 

"Please girl, I do not need you to nag me on my first day to work" Meghna whined as she revved the engine of her motorbike. 

"Right right I won't" Riya surrendered as she wrapped her arms around Meghna's waist as they sped off.


"Dude this is nerve wrecking" Meghna breathed as she watched the seconds tick away. 

"Megs you have got nothing to worry about. Just meet our senior, Aditya Menon and he will help you out. I am not close to him but he is a nice guy" Riya boosted her confidence and gave her small peck on the cheek to reassure her before waving a bye as she had to go to her cabin. 

Meghna took a deep breath as she made her way to the cabin of the so-called senior that she was supposed to meet. She knocked on the door twice and pushed it open when she heard a familiar voice say 'come in'. She confidently walked in a faint recognition instilled in her as she recognised the man in front of her. 

"Oh my god, it is really you" Aditya exclaimed as he took a good look at his friend. 

"Aditya?" she said, pleasantly surprised as she walked into his arms which he opened for a hug. 

"Wow, I missed you as hell" he exclaimed as he embraced her. 

Aditya and Meghna were really good friends. Their families knew each other even before they were born. Aditya was only 5 months older than her but their birth years set them apart as Aditya was born in November while Meghna was born in April the following year. They were glad to see each other again.

"Well this is your job scope. Don't worry, if you have any questions, I'm here for you. I am in your team so it should be really easy to find me. Also, we have a meeting with the officials and our team a little later. Our manager Praveen and our team leader, Arjun Prasad will be present. Just so you know, Arjun is not approachable. He rarely smiles and only talks to one guy who is his childhood friend. Unless work-related, he speaks to no one" Aditya said after their catch up and his explanation of her job. 

"Alright, thanks Adi. I should get going then" she said as she reached out to hug him. Aditya smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead before waving at her as she left his cabin. He sighed in happiness as he finally got to meet his special friend.

Meghna exited his cabin with a little smile playing at her lips as she steered herself towards the lift lobby. She had agreed to meet Riya after her little meeting with Aditya. It all felt new to her. The atmosphere, the people, everything. 

Things that she was used to, seemed new to her all of a sudden after her short immigration to America. Various thoughts raced through her head as she barely noticed a guy entering the lift with her. 

"Hey, you might want to press the number to keep the elevator going" a voices sounded, waking her up from her trance. 

"Oh right sorry, was a little caught up" she apologised as she swiftly pressed the button next to the number 4. She gestured for him to press his floor but he just stood there. 

"Don't you want to press your floor?" she questioned, confused. "Nope, we are going to the same floor" he replied with a smile. Meghna nodded in understanding and was about to turn away when the guy started to become chatty.

"You're new here, aren't you?" he asked. "Yea, how did you know?" she questioned back. 

"Well, I would have noticed if a girl as stunningly gorgeous as you worked in the same company as me" he flirted. A small chuckle left Meghna as her cheeks slightly became rosy. His smirk widened at her reaction as they pair exited the elevator. 

"Karan Roy" he introduced himself, extending his hand towards her. "Meghna Vyas" she replied as she shook hands with him. Apart from his harmless flirting, he seemed like a nice guy. 

"Meghna! You're here! What took you so long?" Riya yelled as she reached the pair. She realised Karan standing next to her friend and said, 

"Oh you met him. He is one of our seniors in here" Riya said. 

"Yep, are you by any chance under Praveen's team?" Karan asked as the three of them made their way towards the various cabins. 

"Yea, he is the manager right?" she clarified. 

"Yea, he is. And welcome to our team. I am also part of it. Fun fact, I am our team leader's best and only friend so if you want a favour, you know who to come to" he winked in her direction. 

"Oh I forgot to mention. He is a huge flirt" Riya groaned from the other side of Meghna. 

"I definitely noticed" Meghna replied making the two laugh. 

Meghna had a good feeling about all this. She already had two close friends working with her and she made a new friend within an hour in the workplace. Maybe she should make this time count.

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