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It's Raining Bullets


Trigger warning: this chapter will contain a bit of violence and gore.

Lauren's entire body felt as if it was burning—if not broken. Her face was wet with tears, skin salty from sweat, and her body was painted red with a mix of fake and real blood. When she tried to open her eyes, she instantly winced because of the viscous liquid that was slowly trickling down her face. She tried to scream, but no voice came out. It was only then that she realized that she had a ball of cloth stuck in her mouth, preventing her from making any noise.

"The princess is up."

The voice she heard was foreign, but before she could even contemplate on that, she felt a hand grasping her head while a cold, damp cloth was being wiped on her eyes. Finally, she was able to open them, and her heart constricted as soon as she saw what was in front of her.

She barely recognized the three people in front of her. Their hands were tied up separately, the rope obviously too tight around their wrists as their arms were covered in blood. The rope was bound to a thick pipe a few feet above them, almost lifting the three from the ground. Vyn was unconscious on the left, Angel on the right had both of her electric blue eyes open as she gritted her teeth together, trying to free her hands but the more she tugged, the more it dug on her skin, and Grim was in the middle, her clothes torn apart. Her body was filled with deep cuts, joining the ones she previously had since the attack of the Crows, and she had her head down, keeping Lauren from seeing her face.

"G-Grim . . . " she croaked out, her throat feeling as if she swallowed razorblades.

"I'm afraid she's too weak to respond," the man who cleaned Lauren's face said, smiling wickedly at her as he held her chin. Lauren flinched and pulled her head back, but it must have irked the man off and he gripped her face forcefully. "Don't you dare fight back."

Lauren moaned helplessly, her eyes watering with tears. How did she get here? How did they all end up here?

"We're in charge here so you don't get to say or do anything if we don't say so." The man said, his breath smelling like he hadn't brushed his teeth for months. He looked like he was in his early 30s and his face wasn't friendly at all. It was already torture to Lauren. "Do you understand?"

Lauren didn't budge, staring back at the man with fear. Then, she squealed as he squeezed her jaw and forced her to move.

"Do you understand?!" He yelled angrily, causing the green-eyed girl to shut her eyes closed as she nodded her head frantically. "Good. Now, I've been watching you sleep earlier and I noticed how smooth your skin was." He let his fingers run across her cheekbones and Lauren began crying. "Do you have a boyfriend? He must be so lucky to touch someone so beautiful like you."

"Leave her . . . " Grim mumbled from where she stood but unfortunately, it was only Angel who heard her.

"You can't be a virgin, can you?"

"Leave her alone," Grim tried again, this time her voice growing louder. She lifted her head up and with only an eye open she saw him unbuckling his belt and this enough to make her blood boil. "I SAID LEAVE HER ALONE!"

The man jumped away from Lauren, turning to look at Grim and marching towards her as he put his belt back. "You shut your fucking mouth, you bitch." He swiftly grabbed a knife lying on top of a crate and approached Grim, dangerously pointing its tip in front of her mouth. "Unless you want me to cut your precious tongue off."

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