Chapter 39

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It was 8 pm in Monterey..

"We should stay here for tonight" Dom said while walking towards a multi story building.

Harry paused and stared into that building in front of him.

Dom turned to see Harry "aren't you coming?" He asked.

"Yeah" Harry looked at Dom and he walked slowly towards him.

"What's wrong?" Dom asked.

"Ah....... Nothing....... I feel like I have been here.. " Harry tried to smile.

Dom's face filled with excitement "What did you say?"

Harry looked at Dom and wondered by his reaction. He was about to repeat what he did just say but Dom was fast.

"Harry, You remember this place?You know you are right You have been here once." Dom said.

"What?" Harry wondered.

"With Matt"

Harry went silent. He lost his every memory of he and Matt together. But now a place like this just making him feel like he have been here before. Is that a good sign?

"This is a good sign Harry. You will get your every memory back soon." Dom said like he was reading his mind.

They walked again.

"What is this place?" Harry asked with curiosity.

"This is the place from where Danny kidnapped you."


"This is the place where I saw Matt crying loud for you for the first time."

Harry dropped his jaw.

"And... This is the place where Matt confessed his love towards you to me for the first time." Dom walked and Harry accompanied him.

Harry's heart raced when he heard what just Dom said to him.

"It's good Harry. I hope this trip will help you." He said.

"Which floor you prefer sir ? There is a lot of rooms are vacant " Receptionist asked.

Harry immediately grabbed Dom's arm "Dom, I want that same room." Harry.

Dom smiled "Got it."


"Who the hell are you two? And what the F**k you want?" Jason gritted his teeth.

Matt was sitting in a dusty table. He crossed his arms on his chest and stared at Jason with his furious eyes.

Jason was tied up on a chair in front of Matt and his face was bleeding.

"Well, We know ya are not but try to get it STRAIGHT....." Kevin was behind the chair and he grabbed both shoulders of Jason "We are not here for ya. We will let ya free if ya cooperate with us. Understand?"

"What the F**k you want?" Jason spatted.

"We need some information" Kevin said clearly and he walked to his front.

Jason watched him with pure fury.

"We are here for....... Danny" Kevin said and Matt studied the expression change in Jason's face.

Kevin bend down and grabbed both handles of that chair. His face was really close to Jason. Kevin smiled.
"And you are gonna tell us exactly where he is." He completed.

"I don't know what are you talking about." Jason said.

Kevin smiled even more. "I won't believe ya Jason...." Kevin leaned towards him. His lips slightly touched his ear. "You are a terrible liar." He whispered into his ear.

"I'm telling the truth. I don't know about a Danny." Jason said.

"Hmmm" Kevin mused and raised his head.

"Looks like you need more food." Kevin said and punched him hard on his nose.

Jason cried aloud and his nose was bleeding.

"We know everything about ya Jason. We can kill ya right here right now and nobody gonna found us. Ya don't want it right?............ Tell us where is he?" Kevin was loosing his control.

"You F**ng sh!ts... I won't give you a F**k about him." Jason spatted back.

Suddenly Matt jumped from the table and stormed towards him with a speed of light. He grabbed Jason by his neck and he pointed his gun towards his head.

"Damn.......You bloody bas***d.... I will blow your head right now. Where the F**K he is or you dead..... You heard me OR YOU DEAD...."

"Matt, " Kevin tried to calm him.

"Speak.... " Matt tightened his grip on his neck "Speak you F**ng sh!t." Matt was in pure anger.

"SPEAK" Matt about to pull the trigger.

"No no... Wait wait.... please... I will tell you.... I will tell you." Jason cried.

Matt removed his hold slowly. Jason coughed and he watched Matt and Kevin with tearful eyes.

"Okay..... Let's speak." Kevin said to Jason.

SUDOKU ; A GAME OF LIFE (shumdario Part 3)Where stories live. Discover now