The Fatal Meeting

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Jacob's Perspective, Age 9 "Come on dudes!  The sale is gonna end soon!"

"Hold on Stockton, we gotta get our shoes on!" Today's gonna be a great day. The local ice cream parlor was having a 50% off thingie for certain flavor.

"Ummm... I'm going to stay home guys... I need to....fall down the stairs.....repeatedly." Noah spoke quietly. Noah's big brother abused him repeatedly but made him make up some stupid lie to tell us. Their parents never believed Noah because Zac applied makeup on the bruises and wounds. Also, Zac was their little baby. I only discovered this when walking in Noah's room to find Noah on the floor, shirtless and beaten in a way so there was no blood, but only bruises. Zac was nowhere to be seen and Noah's breathing was that of someone who had just run a marathon. He was forced to tell me what happened so I could explain to the doctor at the ER. Zac still doesn't know I know. The others, Kira, Miranda, and Stockton, don't know either. I pulled Noah towards me so I could whisper in his ear. "Remember what we talked about. Fight back." He gulped and slowly nodded. I watched him turn the corner and wheeled on my heels to see Kira right in my face.

"What're'ya doin?" Gently nudging her out of my face, I stepped around her and towards Stockton and Miranda.

" Let's go!" They said I'm unison.


Two hours later we were all(besides Noah) sitting outside the ice cream parlor. Everybody except for me had long since finished their ice cream. Part of the sale was up to five free refills. I was finishing up my fourth.

"Okay guys, Imma go get my last one and then we can go to the park." I announced, standing up. I strode over to the ice cream, refilled my huge cone. Turning around, I immediately crashed into someone.

"Oh.... Sorry dude." Someone grabbed by arm and pulled me up with one hand while bending over to grab my ice cream with the other. When the person straightened up I stood there in a state of shock. Before me was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my entire life.

"Ummm. Hello? Anybody home?" She waved a hand in my face.

"I-I.. uh....My...hi.." I feebly attempted to say a simple hello but my mouth wouldn't cooperate.

"Hi. I'm Cierra. What's your name?" She introduced herself, but I was still frozen. Cierra reached over and wiggled my shoulder. Her touch heated me right up.

"My name is Jacob. Oh... you've got.... ice cream all over your shirt..." She flipped her shiny blonde hair back to see all the ice cream stains.

"Oh well. I'll live." Could there be a more perfect girl? I wondered to myself.

"Hey Cierra! Come back over here!" A  Mexican girl with long black hair called from across the room. Man I hated her right now.

"Be there in a minute Marissa!" The goddess called back.

"So, I'll see you around?" I asked hopefully.

"Maybe." She threw me a devilish grin as she ran back to her friends. Wow.

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