BBW's B-Day

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Jacobs Perspective, Age 10

Today's the day. Today's the day. Today. Is. The. Day! I'm finally caught up to everyone in my grade AND I get to go on a date with the most beautiful girl in the universe, no galaxy! Okay, okay. I have to do my checklist. Parents permission to go out. Check. Snacks for the movie. Check. Money for anything Cierra might want. Check. Nerve. No check. I'm so nervous! I'll probably mess this up. Yep. I should cancel. I'll call her now.

"Wait, what time is it?" I asked myself out loud. The clock read 4:56. Oh crap! My birthday party's in a few minutes! The doorbell rang distantly and I ran around my room trying to clean up at least to the point where somebody could actually come in and not scrunch their nose up.

"Jacob! Your friends are here!"

"Just a sec Mom!" Throwing on a clean shirt I ran down the stairs, running into Stockton on the way down and together we fell down the rest of the stairs, laughing the whole way. We untangled our limbs and ran to greet the others. I went down my line of friends, saying hi to each one. "Hi Kira. Hi Miranda. Hi Noah. Hi Nathan. Hi Stockton, again. Hi Cierra. Hi Chloe. H-" I paused, backing up to Cierra.

"Cierra? How did you.. why are you.... what are you doing here?"

"Uh, attending a birthday party, if I'm not mistaken?" She rolled her eyes and stepped outside to come back carrying a medium-sized box.

"Where do I put this Mrs. Knight?" My mother came over and took the present.

"Please call me Camille. How many times have I asked?"  Laughter twinkled in her eyes when Cierra kept quiet.

"That's what I thought." She chuckled, walking into the den with all of my friends in tow.

Cierra and I were the only ones left in the entry hall. I scratched the back of my neck.

"So, uh... do you see my room?" She looked uncomfortable for a moment before smiling brightly.

"Sure! I'll race you up the stairs!" Laughing, she ran away.

"Oh your on." I ran after her. She looked behind her back and squealed when she saw me running towards her. Dashing around the corner that lead to the stairs, I almost caught up with Cierra, but she moved her leg just in time.

"Beat ya!" She stood proudly at the top of the stairs. Finding courage, I charged in her direction and tackled her onto my bedroom floor. I watched with interest as her eye color changed from sky blue to forest green as her face flushed with embarrassment. Then I realized I was still on top of her.

"Oh! Sorry..." I quickly rolled to the right and stood up.

"Your eyes change colors. That's cool."

"Yea. They do that according to my mood and the weather. I don't trust you enough to tell you what the colors mean."

"I think I already know what forest green means." I studied her eyes for any color change since they had gone back to their original sky blue. The color didn't change one bit. Cierra began wandering around my room. Silently, I returned to tidying up where she wasn't poking around.


AN Helooo. I'm really bored right now so I decided to update. Tell me what you guys think about my characters! There was something I wanted to write to you readers but I just forgot soooooooooooooooooo. Yeah! Piece out.




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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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