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hai... Assalamualaikum.. Ok.. Skarang aq nak bgtau satu jenis crite yg.. Agak berbeza dri crite2 aku sblom nie.. Crite aq sblom nie byk yg melibatkan skolah kan.. Sbb? Sebab aq xpernah matang kott..😂😂

Ok2. Aq skarg dah final year.. So.. Semestinya sgt2 bz ngm tesis yg aq bru jee jmpe tajuk tu.. But it ok.. I will doit..!!! Doakan aq..

Aq thu xrmai sgt bace crite bodoh aq tu.. But it ok laa.. Xpe.. Mcm aq ulang byk2 kali.. Hahahaah.. Mls nk ckp byk kali dh..


Sape jee dalam dunia nie yang xpernah berjanji.. Kite bukan malaikat.. Berjanji tu bnde biase.. And mgkir ja ni tu bnde yg lbh biase dri berjanji.. Faham x... ?

Okk... Ape lagi nak bebel..

Ok.. Crite nie xakan always update.. But.. Ikot mood aq laa.

Mmg... Btol..xde org thu spe aq sbnar nye.. Even fmly.. Adik bradik or.. Kwn2 aq... Xpernh thu aq tlis crrite.. Sbb aq mmg xske kan publisiti mcm tu.. I dont like..

Ok laa.. Nnti aq up lagi pasal crite nie.. Tpi

Truskan sokong aq.. Kpu ade yg nak sokong...


"Little Promise"

"Forgive me who once again missed you.

Get your cool down.

It annoys every inch of your happiness.

I know this feeling is impossible.

Just like you. Who chose to go.

Give me a little more time.

To get used to.

That is now I am without you."

Promises are the uniquely human way of ordering the future, making it predictable and reliable to the extent that this is humanly possible.

little promisesWhere stories live. Discover now