2: Potty Party

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Seeing that everyone else were either in class or skipping class somewhere else, I plopped myself on a toilet seat and pulled out my leather journal which held the secrets that bound my soul together figuratively.

Flipping past the pages of useless doodles, curse pages, confessions and prom plotting, I arrived at the section where I'd write lyrics. I guess it's in my blood that I liked to think of poems that fit in with music. It was fun to craft stories about blood sucking vamps and literal heart breakers; a favourite past-time of mine.

The thing is, though, I'd never sing the songs I write. Maybe in my head, but never aloud. For no reason though. I just, don't.

As I noisily scribbled out a few words to get my brain thinking, the door to the bathroom slammed open and I could hear the crushing of its metal hinge, causing the door to fall out of the doorway. Oof.

"I don't get it, Vera. Ah, you should have just burnt his balls before feeding them to your hairs when you had the chance to."

It was Him.

"Even my babies have standards, Damien. I'm pretty sure that everyone in this damned school knows about how he's been whore-ing around with the entire scream team and I can't fucking believe that he expects me to act all jolly and go to prom with him!"

"Hey, I've got an idea. How about we take him down during lunch by setting fire to his stupid little horns, before ripping them out along with his brains. We'll go for the balls after that."

"Seriously? That is so last year when Miranda did it to her ex's entire family plus some extended. Can't you think of something a little more.. original? And I can't afford to set something else on fire till we leave this shithole because Dad's gonna cancel my credit cards if Coach calls him up again because of your stupid acts of arson."

"Geez, fine. Have it your way. I'm just saying that frying his balls would be the best way to go y'know."

That's when I started to choke on air. The idea of Hadrian Mulani's balls getting roasted wasn't exactly a nice picture.

"Who's there?" Vera asked.

At that exact moment, Damien kicked open the door of my cubicle. The door actually broke into several pieces and crumbled at my feet.

"Uhh... I-I'll just get going!"

I rushed to pack up my belongings, shoving my journal into my bag. Just as I slung my bag over my shoulder and was about to leave the cubicle for some safety, Damien closed in on me.

He slammed both his arms onto the walls of the cubicle, effectively trapping me in as he leaned in, concentrating a hard gaze on me that drew mine back to him.

As I stared into the depths of his eyes, I could see the fire in them, life. My mom always told me that if you look into a man's eyes long enough, you might just see parts of his bare soul.

But this was no man.

He was so close that I could smell the strong scent of musk, with a touch of death and blood and a little hint of a burning smell. I kinda liked it.

"So, what do you think? What should we do to Mister Hadrian Mulani that will make him regret fucking with Vera?"

I could feel his hot breath grazing my face. It was actually really hot as I could feel a slight burn on my cheeks. Or maybe I was blushing. Whichever it was, it felt as though my cheeks were literally on fire.

Well crap. I knew nothing about love and revenge, other than Sierra's random rants about how she'd lure her previous exes before biting them into bits (the details were pretty gory).

Vera Oberlin seemed to take my hesitation as doubt, as though I already had an answer but wasn't daring enough to voice it. She nodded, as though encouraging a response.

"Well, I think that you could, I'm definitely not saying that you should, but you could lure him in at dusk, and then castrate him! After that, you could douse his male bits with gasoline and light it up! With that, you could totally-"

The more I spoke, the more excited I became at the prospect of a lover's revenge. I've never exactly plotted something like this before, but it gave me a little rush in my siren blood, so I guess I'm into scheming now.

"-DRUG THE SCREAMERS' FOOD WITH HIS BALL ASH! THAT'S A FUCKING GREAT IDEA!" Damien cut me off, but he seemed pumped at the suggestion I gave.

"Hmm, yes. That way, we can't exactly be caught for arson.. You're quite brilliant. Alright, Damien, you know what to do."

Vera gave me a little nod of approval, before flipping her hair, or should I say snakes, over her shoulder and sashaying out of the bathroom.

Damien backed away from me and followed suit, but before leaving, he stopped at the bathroom door and turned around to face me once more.

I expected him to say something, but all he did was stare.

He smirked for a millisecond, before swerving back around and sauntering out of the bathroom, leaving a little trail of reddish-blue flames as he went.

Not bad, Serena. Not. Bad.

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