3: Promposal

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Before I knew it, it was lunch.

As usual, the cafeteria was packed with creatures of every kind.

Unlike your typical high school cafeteria scene, the popular monsters don't crowd around one table. For some reason, they like to sit around with at least one other member and that has worked pretty well.

Glancing around, I spotted Lyd at our usual table, along with Scott and Brian. Man, that banshee works fast.

Getting myself a tray of random brown slob, I seated myself between Scott and Brian, making sure to give Lyd a little kick in the shin for inviting outsiders to our table without prior notice.

"Oh! Well good to see you too, Serena. I hope you don't mind.."

Despite her cheery, bright smile plastered on her face, she kicked me back in the shin, real hard.


"Ah, Reinhart, is it? You get random kinks too? And I thought I was the only one!" Scott exclaimed. Well this is kind of embarrassing.

I decided to not make any conversation with the rest of the table as I stabbed into a huge chunk of the now-purple-ly-red slob that somehow managed to harden.

"So, Scott, Brian, have you guys found dates for prom yet?" The rate at which Lyd was batting her eyelashes, she sure was subtle.

"Dates? I thought prom only happens once? Why do we need dates for it? Doesn't Janitor Cyclops decide when prom is?"

Sometimes, I wonder what Lyd sees in Scott Howl.

"Well for me, I was thinking about asking- Whoa!"

As Brian was in the midst of replying, the demon appeared. Damien to be exact. He kicked Brian off of his seat and slid his tray of glob off of the table, leaving the glob to splatter all over the floor.

With a smirk of satisfaction, Damien unceremoniously settled himself onto what-once-was-Brian's seat and gave Scott a fist bump.

"So, what were we talking about?" His golden eyes darted around dangerously, and before I knew it, those fiery, golden specks landed on me.

Noticing the tension, Lyd knew just what to say.

"We were talking about prom dates! So, Damien, who are you taking to prom?"

I could feel the heat from his body radiate right next to me. To be honest, I wanted to know who he'd take to prom too. Deep down, I wanted it to be me.

Raising one brow, Damien said,"Who am I taking? Well, I don't have a date, yet."

Was it just me, or when he said that, his eyes flickered to me once more.

"Ah, I see. For myself, I have someone in mind", Lyd said, glancing at Scott in a not-so-subtle-way,"But I'm not sure about how I should ask him.."

At the sound of this dilemma, I could see Damien's eyes light up with a sort of evil that only he was capable of.

Oh no.

"I think, you should knock him out with some chloro, before tying him to a pole in the middle of a ring of fire. Then, you pop the question. If he rejects you, you can leave him there to burn in hell or something."

Damien could seriously be mistaken for an experienced witch-hunter sometimes. I wonder how he does it.

"Damien, my man, I don't think that's a good way to go" For once, Scott is actually speaking some sense. He continues,"I think Lydia should just present him with a bouquet of wilted roses with a note labelled 'Prom?' attached to it. It's kind of romantic and totally won't end up killing anyone."

"But what's the fun if you don't kill someone? I seriously don't get you, Scott." Damien seemed displeased at Scott's suggestion for his own promposal. Turning to me, he asked,"What do you think?"

Crap. I don't even think!

Scott turned towards me as well, and said,"Reinhart, Would you fight love with fire or flowers?"

All Lyd did was stare dreamily at Scott, not even bothered by how her best friend is being put on the spot by two of the most popular guys at school, with the potential to either make it or break it.

"Uh.. I t-t-think that fir-I mean fl-flowers would be a great way to ask a girl out. N-No offense, Damien." Smooth.

"Much offense taken, Siren." Damien seemed super pissed at me for 'siding' with Scott.

"I knew you had it in you!" Scott wrapped an arm around my neck before giving me a noogie. "So, Lydia, it's decided! You'll ask your man out with flowers, and I shall wish you good luck in your romantic endeavours." Sometimes, Scott could be really dense that it's just frustrating.

With that, Scott and Damien got up and left the cafeteria.

"Whew, well that could've gone much worse", I sighed in relief, glad to not be skinned alive by Damien. Even though I wasn't, it seemed as though I was, by the look that screamed betrayal on his face.

"Whew, indeed. Wanna accompany me to Janitor Cyclop's later to get the roses?" When it came to Scott, Lyd would think of nothing else.


Just then, the bell shrieked and it was time for class.

This time, I think I'll actually go.

Monstrous Prom (OC x Damien)Where stories live. Discover now